
Historic region, South Asia.

It was located west of the Indus River, in what is now the Balochistan region of Pakistan. In 325 BC Alexander the Great's forces suffered disastrous losses there as they returned from India. They captured the area, but after Alexander's death his general Seleucus I Nicator was forced to make peace by trading Gedrosia and all his territories east of the Hindu Kush for 500 elephants. His departure ended Greek intervention on the subcontinent of India.

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historical region, Pakistan
      historic region west of the Indus River, in what is now the Baluchistan region of Pakistan. In 325 BC Alexander the Great's (Alexander the Great) forces suffered disastrous losses there from the effects of the desert, supply shortages, and monsoons. They captured the area, but after Alexander's death his general Seleucus Nicator was forced to make peace with Chandragupta Maurya by trading Gedrosia and all his territories east of the Hindu Kush for 500 elephants. His departure ended Greek intervention on the subcontinent of India.

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