Gasprinski, Ismail

Gasprinski, Ismail
born с 1851, near Bakhchisaray, Crimea, Russian Empire
died Sept. 11, 1914, Bakhchisaray

Russian-born Turkish journalist.

Educated in Moscow, his travels brought him to Paris, where he met refugees from the Ottoman Empire who inspired him to take up the Turkish cause at home. He wrote about the cultural problems of Turkic Muslims for a Russian newspaper and later for his own bilingual paper, Tercümān (founded 1883), which became Russia's most influential Turkish-language newspaper, advocating Pan-Islamism and Pan-Turkism. He was a committed advocate of educational reform.

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Turkish writer
also called  Ismail Gaspirali  
born 1851, Avci, near Bakhchisaray, Crimea, Russian Empire [now in Ukraine]
died Sept. 11, 1914, Bakhchisaray

      Turkish journalist and writer who was an advocate of pan-Islāmic unity and whose writings significantly contributed to the growth of cultural identity within the Turkic community of Russia.

      An ethnic Turk, Gasprinski was educated at a Moscow military school. In 1871 he traveled to Vienna and then to Paris, where he came in contact with liberal Ottoman refugees. Back in his native Crimea three years later, he was appointed mayor of Bakhchisaray (1878), and in the following year, upon being denied permission to publish a newspaper, he became a correspondent of the Russian-language newspaper Tavrida, for which he wrote a series of articles on the cultural problems of the predominantly Turkic Muslims in Russia. Finally (1883) he was permitted to publish his own bilingual Russian and Turkish paper, Tercümān (“The Interpreter”), which, as a medium for the transmission of Western ideas and for the promotion of pan-Islāmic and pan-Turkic unity, became the most influential Turkish newspaper of Russia.

      Gasprinski devoted all his time to Tercümān, on behalf of which he traveled extensively in the Middle East as well as to the various Turkic communities of Russia. He was also an active supporter of what he called the usul jadid (“new method”) in education, which advocated the phonetic teaching of Arabic and curriculum reforms that included such subjects as mathematics, history, and geography.

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