
(German: "Free Corps") Private German paramilitary groups that first appeared in late 1918 after Germany's defeat in World War I. Composed of ex-soldiers and unemployed youth and led by ex-officers, they eventually included over 65 corps of varying sizes.

Most were nationalistic and radically conservative, and they were employed unofficially to put down left-wing revolts throughout Germany. Initially sanctioned by the government, they came to be viewed as a nuisance and a threat and were supplanted by regular army and police or absorbed by new units of the Nazis and other political parties.

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German paramilitary units
English  Free Corps 

      any of several private paramilitary groups that first appeared in December 1918 in the wake of Germany's defeat in World War I. Composed of ex-soldiers, unemployed youth, and other discontents and led by ex-officers and other former military personnel, they proliferated all over Germany in the spring and summer of 1919 and eventually numbered more than 65 corps of various names, sizes, and descriptions. Most were nationalistic and radically conservative and were employed unofficially but effectively to put down left-wing revolts and uprisings in Berlin, Bremen, Brunswick, Hamburg, Halle, Leipzig, Silesia, Thuringia, and the Ruhr. They fought miniature wars and sometimes resorted to plunder and terror. Their members were involved in several political assassinations, of which the most dramatic was the 1922 murder of Walther Rathenau (Rathenau, Walther), the country's foreign minister. At first sanctioned, or even supported, by such figures as Defense Minister Gustav Noske (Noske, Gustav) and General Paul von Hindenburg (Hindenburg, Paul von), the Freikorps finally came to be viewed as a nuisance and a threat, and their activities were eventually supplanted by regular army and police work or assumed by the new units of the Nazis and other political parties. Ernst Röhm (Röhm, Ernst), a Freikorps commander, later became head of the Nazi (Nazi Party) SA, or Brownshirts.

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