Foot, Michael

Foot, Michael
born July 23, 1913, Plymouth, Devon, Eng.

Leader of Great Britain's Labour Party (198083).

He worked as a newspaper editor and columnist (193774) and served in Parliament (194555, 196092). He served in Harold Wilson's cabinet as secretary of state for employment (197476) and leader of the House of Commons (197679). A left-wing socialist, Foot became the party's chief in 1980 by defeating its right-wing candidate. This and other left-wing trends caused some Labourites to resign to found the Social Democratic Party. His books include Aneurin Bevan (2 vol.; 1962, 1973).

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British politician
born July 23, 1913, Plymouth, Devon, Eng.

      leader of Britain's Labour Party from November 1980 to October 1983, an intellectual left-wing socialist.

      A member of a strongly Liberal family (his father had been a member of Parliament), Foot attended Wadham College, Oxford, and then began a career as a newspaper editor and columnist (193774). The mass unemployment of the 1930s turned him to socialism; and from 1945 on, apart from a break between 1955 and 1960, he was a Labour member of Parliament. In 1974 he established himself as a leading member of Prime Minister Harold Wilson's Cabinet, first as secretary of state for employment (197476) in charge of complex and controversial trade-union legislation, and then (197679) as leader of the House of Commons, a role that required him to hold the parliamentary party together. From deputy leader of the Labour Party (197680) he rose to become the party's chief, defeating Denis Healey, the candidate of Labour's right wing, in 1980 by a vote of 139 to 129. This vote, as well as other leftward trends in the party, caused some right-wing Labourites to resign from the party and four months later to found the Social Democratic Party. Following a disastrous showing in the June 1983 general election, Foot announced that he would not continue as party leader; Neil G. Kinnock succeeded him in October 1983.

      Foot had acquired a reputation as a rebel of the left. For many years he was a pamphleteer and political writer fervently espousing the cause of nuclear disarmament. He was a strong ally of the British trade unions and an advocate of sharply increased public expenditures and state ownership of industries. He wrote a number of books, including Aneurin Bevan, a Biography, 2 vol. (196273).

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  • Foot, Michael —    b. 1913, Plymouth    Politician    From a prominent political family, Foot entered Parliament in 1945 and for nine years (1948–52, 1955–60) was editor of the left wing journal Tribune. In the Labour government of the 1970s, he served as… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

  • Foot, Michael — (n. 23 jul. 1913, Plymouth, Devon, Inglaterra). Líder del Partido Laborista de Gran Bretaña (1980–83). Director y columnista de un periódico (1937–74) y miembro del parlamento (1945–55, 1960–92). Participó en el gabinete de Harold Wilson como… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Michael Mackintosh Foot — (* 23. Juli 1913 in Plymouth, Devon; Pseudonym Cato) ist ein britischer Politiker. Er war Vorsitzender der Labour Party von 1980 bis 1983. Foot zählt neben Harold Wilson, James Callaghan und Tony Benn zum politischen Urgestein von „Old Labour“.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • foot — /foot/, n., pl. feet for 1 4, 8 11, 16, 19, 21; foots for 20; v. n. 1. (in vertebrates) the terminal part of the leg, below the ankle joint, on which the body stands and moves. 2. (in invertebrates) any part similar in position or function. 3.… …   Universalium

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  • Michael Foot — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Foot. Michael Foot (né le 23 juillet 1913 à Plymouth et mort le 3 mars 2010) était un homme politique britannique. Michael Foot est un polémiste, orateur, pacifiste (Campagne pour le désarmement nucléaire CND),… …   Wikipédia en Français

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