Fall, Albert Bacon

Fall, Albert Bacon
born Nov. 26, 1861, Frankfort, Ky., U.S.
died Nov. 30, 1944, El Paso, Texas

U.S. secretary of the interior (192123).

He began practicing law in New Mexico Territory in 1889. He served in the U.S. Senate from 1913 to 1921, when he was appointed Secretary of the Interior by Pres. Warren G. Harding. He resigned his cabinet post two years later and returned to New Mexico. In 1924 a Senate investigation revealed that Fall had accepted a large bribe to lease to private oil interests, without competitive bidding, naval oil reserve lands in the Teapot Dome reserve in Wyoming and other reserves in California. He was convicted of bribery in 1929 and served nine months of a one-year prison sentence. See also Teapot Dome scandal.

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United States secretary of the interior
born Nov. 26, 1861, Frankfort, Ky., U.S.
died Nov. 30, 1944, El Paso, Texas

      U.S. secretary of the interior under President Warren G. Harding; he was the first American to be convicted of a felony committed while holding a Cabinet post.

      Fall had little formal schooling but studied law and, after moving to New Mexico Territory, began to practice in 1889. After a lengthy political career in New Mexico, he was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1912, serving until his appointment as secretary of the interior in 1921. He resigned from the Cabinet two years later and returned to New Mexico.

      In 1924 a Senate investigation revealed that Fall had accepted a large bribe to lease to private oil interests, without competitive bidding, naval oil reserve lands in the Teapot Dome (Teapot Dome Scandal) reserve in Wyoming and other reserves in California. He was convicted of bribery in 1929 and served nine months of a one-year prison sentence.

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  • Fall, Albert Bacon — (26 nov., 1861, Frankfort, Ky., EE.UU.–30 nov., 1944, El Paso, Texas). Ministro del interior estadounidense (1921–23). Comenzó a ejercer como abogado en 1889, en el Territorio de Nuevo México. Fue miembro del Senado de EE.UU. desde 1913 hasta… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Albert Bacon Fall — (26 novembre 1861 30 novembre 1944) était un homme politique américain. Il a été sénateur du Nouveau Mexique de 1912 à 1921 et Secrétaire à l Intérieur des États U …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Albert Bacon Fall — Albert B. Fall Albert Bacon Fall (* 26. November 1861 in Frankfort, Kentucky; † 30. November 1944 in El Paso, Texas) war ein US amerikanischer Politiker (Republikanische Partei), der den Bundesstaat …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Albert B. Fall — Albert Bacon Fall (* 26. November 1861 in Frankfort, Kentucky; † 30. November 1944 in El Paso, Texas) war ein US amerikanischer Politiker (Republikanische Partei), der den Bundesstaat New M …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • bacon — /bay keuhn/, n. 1. the back and sides of the hog, salted and dried or smoked, usually sliced thin and fried for food. 2. Also called white bacon. South Midland and Southern U.S. pork cured in brine; salt pork. 3. bring home the bacon, a. to… …   Universalium

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