- Eridu Genesis
Sumerian creation epic.It recounted the origins of the world and humanity, the founding of cities, and the great flood sent by the gods to destroy humanity. Forewarned by the god Ea, a man named Ziusudra, known for his humility and obedience, built a huge boat in which to ride out the flood. As a reward for his good life, the gods later granted him immortality.
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▪ Mesopotamian epicin Mesopotamian religious literature, ancient Sumerian epic primarily concerned with the creation of the world, the building of cities, and the flood. According to the epic, after the universe was created out of the primeval sea and the gods were born, the deities fashioned man from clay to cultivate the ground, care for flocks, and perpetuate the worship of the gods.Cities were soon built and kingship was instituted on earth. For some reason, however, the gods determined to destroy mankind with a flood. Enki (Ea) (Akkadian: Ea), who did not agree with the decree, revealed it to Ziusudra (Utnapishtim), a man well known for his humility and obedience. Ziusudra did as Enki commanded him and built a huge boat, in which he successfully rode out the flood. Afterward, he prostrated himself before the gods An (Anu) (Anu) and Enlil, and, as a reward for living a godly life, Ziusudra was given immortality.* * *
Universalium. 2010.