
or Eginhard

born с 770, Maingau, Franconia
died March 14, 840, Seligenstadt, Franconia

Frankish historian and scholar.

An adviser to Charlemagne and to Louis I the Pious, Einhard was made abbot of several monasteries and held extensive lands. His biography of Charlemagne (с 830) analyzed Charlemagne's family, achievements, administration, and death and exemplified the classical renaissance at the Carolingian court.

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Frankish historian
also spelled  Eginhard 
born c. 770, , Maingau, Franconia [Germany]
died March 14, 840, Seligenstadt, Franconia

      Frankish historian and court scholar whose writings are an invaluable source of information on Charlemagne and the Carolingian Empire.

      Einhard was educated after 779 in the monastery of Fulda; his brilliance was soon recognized, and he was sent to Charlemagne's Palace School at Aachen in 791. He quickly became the trusted friend and adviser of the king and even proved to have a good deal of architectural skill, which he applied to the construction of the royal palace at Aachen. His political prominence increased after Charlemagne's death in 814 and the succession of Louis I the Pious, whom Einhard had been influential in raising to the throne. At that time Einhard was made abbot of several monasteries and was granted extensive lands.

      Einhard probably wrote his Vita Karoli Magni (“Life of Charles the Great”) about 830833, after he had left Aachen and was living in Seligenstadt. Based on 23 years of service to Charlemagne and research in the royal annals, the book was expressly intended to convey Einhard's gratitude for Charlemagne's aid to his education. Following the model of Suetonius' Lives of the Caesars, and particularly theLife of Augustus,” the work was composed in an excellent Latin style and analyzed Charlemagne's family, his foreign and domestic achievements, his personal tastes, the administration of his kingdom, and his death.

      The Vita Karoli Magni is brief and limited in scope and detail, but it provides a generally accurate and direct account of the period. As an example of the classical renaissance at the Carolingian court and as the first medieval biography of a lay figure, the work was highly admired and copied in its own time.

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