Dunbar, William

Dunbar, William
born 1460/65, Scotland
died before 1530

Scottish poet.

He was attached to the court of James IV. Of the more than 100 poems attributed to him, most are short occasional pieces, ranging from gross satire to hymns of religious exaltation. The longer works include the charming dream allegory "The Goldyn Targe," the nuptial song "The Thrissill and the Rois," and "The Flyting of Dunbar and Kennedie," a virtuoso piece of personal abuse directed at a rival. Dunbar was the dominant makar (courtly poet) in the golden age of Scottish poetry.

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Scottish poet
born 1460/65, Scotland
died before 1530

      Middle Scots poet attached to the court of James IV who was the dominant figure among the Scottish Chaucerians (see makar) in the golden age of Scottish poetry.

      He was probably of the family of the earls of Dunbar and March and may have received an M.A. degree from St. Andrews in 1479. It is believed that he was a Franciscan novice and travelled to England and France in the King's service. In 1501 he was certainly in England, probably in connection with the arrangements for the marriage of James IV and Margaret Tudor, which took place in 1503. In 1500 he was granted a pension of £10 by the King. By 1504 he was in priest's orders, and in 1510 he received, as a mark of royal esteem, a pension of £80. In 1511 he accompanied the Queen to Aberdeen and celebrated in the verseBlyth Aberdeenthe entertainments provided by that city. After the King's death at the Battle of Flodden (1513), he evidently received the benefice for which he had so often asked in verse, as there is no record of his pension after 1513.

      With few exceptions the more than 100 poems attributed to Dunbar are short and occasional, written out of personal moods or events at court. They range from the grossest satire to hymns of religious exaltation. Of his longer works, some are courtly Chaucerian pieces like the dream allegory The Goldyn Targe, which wears its allegory very lightly and charms with descriptive imagery. The Thrissill and the Rois is a nuptial song celebrating the marriage of James IV and Margaret Tudor.

      In a quite different vein, the alliterative Flyting of Dunbar and Kennedie is a virtuoso demonstration of personal abuse directed against his professional rival Walter Kennedy, who is, incidentally, mentioned with affection in The Lament for the Makaris, Dunbar's reminiscence of dead poets. Dunbar's most celebrated and shocking satire is the alliterative Tretis of the tua mariit Wemen and the Wedo (“Treatise of the Two Married Women and the Widow”).

      Dunbar's versatility was astonishing. He was at ease in hymn and satire, morality and obscene comedy, panegyric and begging complaint, elegy and lampoon. His poetic vocabulary ranged through several levels, and he moved freely from one to another for satiric effect. He wrote with uncommon frankness and wit, manipulating old themes and forms with imagination and originality. Like other Scots poets after himnotably Robert Burnshe was a vigorously creative traditionalist. In artistry and range, though not in humanity, he was the finest of Scotland's poets.

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