Downing, Andrew Jackson

Downing, Andrew Jackson
born Oct. 30, 1815, Newburgh, N.Y., U.S.
died July 28, 1852, vicinity of Yonkers, N.Y.

U.S. horticulturist, landscape gardener, and architect.

He educated himself in landscape gardening and architecture while working in his father's nursery. In 1850 he began collaborating with the British architect Calvert Vaux (182495); the two designed a number of estates in New York's Hudson River valley and on Long Island. Recognized as the foremost U.S. landscape designer of his day, he was commissioned in 1851 to lay out the grounds for the Capitol, the White House, and the Smithsonian Institution. His death at 36 in a steamboat accident prevented him from seeing his plans to completion. His books on architecture and landscaping became standard works, and his influence on American conceptions of the middle-class home were far-reaching.

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American horticulturalist and landscape architect
born Oct. 30, 1815, Newburgh, N.Y., U.S.
died July 28, 1852, vicinity of Yonkers, N.Y.

      horticulturist, landscape gardener, and architect, the first great landscape designer in the United States.

      Downing was born into horticulture, his father being a nurseryman. After finishing his schooling at 16, he worked in his father's nursery and gradually became interested in landscape gardening and architecture. He began writing on botany and landscape gardening and then undertook to educate himself thoroughly in these subjects.

      His first book, A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Adapted to North America (1841), established him as a national authority on that subject and went through numerous editions (the last was printed in 1921). In Cottage Residences (1842) he applied the principles of landscape and architectural design to the needs of more modest homeowners. His The Fruits and Fruit Trees of America (1845), written with his brother Charles, was the most complete treatise of its kind yet written and led to Downing's becoming the editor of a new periodical, the Horticulturist, a post that he retained until his death. Downing's The Architecture of Country Houses, Including Designs for Cottages, Farm Houses, and Villas (1850) long remained in general use.

      While traveling in Europe in 1850, Downing entered into a partnership with the English architect Calvert Vaux, and upon their return to the United States the two men designed a number of estates, both houses and grounds, in New York's Hudson River valley and Long Island. By now recognized as the foremost American landscape designer of his day, Downing was commissioned in 1851 to lay out the grounds for the Capitol, the White House, and the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. Downing's plans for this project had to be carried out by his successors, however, because he drowned in a steamboat accident in the vicinity of New York Harbour.

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