Doubleday, Abner

Doubleday, Abner
born June 26, 1819, Ballston Spa, N.Y., U.S.
died Jan. 26, 1893, Mendham, N.J.

U.S. Army officer, once thought to be the inventor of baseball.

Doubleday served in the Mexican War and the Seminole Wars. As a major general in the American Civil War, he gave the first order to fire at Fort Sumter, and he later fought in other major battles. In 1907 a commission appointed by A.G. Spalding concluded that Doubleday formulated the essential rules of baseball in 1839 at Cooperstown, N.Y., leading to the choice of Cooperstown as the site of the Baseball Hall of Fame. It was later proved that Doubleday was not in Cooperstown in 1839. See also Alexander Cartwright.

Abner Doubleday.

Culver Pictures

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United States military officer

born June 26, 1819, Ballston Spa, N.Y., U.S.
died Jan. 26, 1893, Mendham, N.J.
 U.S. Army officer, once thought to be the inventor of baseball.

      Doubleday attended school in Auburn and Cooperstown, N.Y., and in 1838 he was appointed a cadet in the U.S. Military Academy (graduating in 1842). He was an artillery officer in the Mexican War and fought in the Seminole War in Florida (185658). At Fort Sumter, S.C., he commanded the gunners that fired the first shots by the North in the American Civil War. He fought at Bull Run (second battle), Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Gettysburg. He held the temporary rank of major general of volunteers in 186263, received the permanent rank of colonel in 1867, and retired from the army in 1873.

 In 1907 a commission appointed by Albert G. Spalding (Spalding, A.G.) published its conclusion that Doubleday formulated the essential rules of baseball in the summer of 1839 at Cooperstown, N.Y., where he was an instructor in a military preparatory school. Hence Cooperstown was chosen as the site of the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum, although it was later proved that Doubleday was not in Cooperstown in 1839.

      The Spalding Commission's finding that the national game was of purely American origin was discredited by subsequent inquiries confirming baseball's evident connection with the older English game variously called rounders, feeder, or base ball.

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  • Doubleday, Abner — (26 jun. 1819, Ballston Spa, N.Y., EE.UU.–26 ene. 1893, Mendham, N.J.). Oficial de ejército estadounidense, considerado alguna vez inventor del béisbol. Doubleday prestó servicio en la guerra contra México y en las guerras contra los seminolas.… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Doubleday,Abner — Dou·ble·day (dŭbʹəl dā ), Abner. 1819 1893. American army officer traditionally considered the inventor of baseball, although a game similar to baseball predates him. * * * …   Universalium

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  • Abner Doubleday — [Abner Doubleday] (1819–93) a US ↑general in the American Civil War. He was in ↑Fort Sumter when it was attacked by the South. According to a story that is probably not true, he invented the game of baseball (in 1839) …   Useful english dictionary

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