Donen, Stanley

Donen, Stanley
born April 13, 1924, Columbia, S.C., U.S.

U.S. film director and choreographer.

He began his career in the stage chorus of Pal Joey (1940), where he met Gene Kelly. He and Kelly choreographed Best Foot Forward (1941; film, 1943) and other musicals, and the two codirected On the Town (1949) and the acclaimed Singin' in the Rain (1952). Both films showed off Donen's skill at intensifying a sense of fantasy and served to reenergize the musical film genre. He later directed and produced films such as The Pajama Game (1957), Funny Face (1957), and Damn Yankees (1958). He also branched into nonmusical films such as Charade (1963) and Two for the Road (1967).

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American film and dance director
born April 13, 1924, Columbia, S.C., U.S.

      American motion-picture director and choreographer whose inventive dance sequences infused musicals with a fresh vitality in the 1940s and '50s.

 Donen began his career in New York City in the stage chorus of Pal Joey (1940), where he met Gene Kelly (Kelly, Gene). Later, as an assistant dance director in Hollywood, he collaborated with Kelly on several spirited musicals. He helped choreograph such films as Cover Girl (1944) and Anchors Aweigh (1945) and then in 1949 codirected On the Town, which was hailed as a major landmark in the evolution of musical comedy. Successfully blending reality and fantasy, it introduced a vivid showmanship to the genre. The two men also did Singin' in the Rain (1952), which combined dance parodies of choreographer Busby Berkeley and comic satire in a classic about early talkies, and It's Always Fair Weather (1955).

 Without Kelly, Donen directed and produced other successes such as Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954), Funny Face (1957), The Pajama Game (1957), and Damn Yankees (1958). In the late 1950s he moved to Europe, where he made such films as Indiscreet (1958), Charade (1963), Arabesque (1966), Bedazzled (1967), Two for the Road (1967), and Movie Movie (1978).

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  • DONEN, STANLEY — (1924– ), U.S. film director. Born in Columbia, South Carolina, Donen trained as a dancer and while still in his teens began working with Gene Kelly on Broadway. He went with Kelly to Hollywood and joined MGM, where he worked closely with… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Donen, Stanley — ► (n. 1924) Director cinematográfico estadounidense. Películas: Cantando bajo la lluvia (1952), Charada (1963) y Lío en Río (1984), entre otras. * * * (n. 13 abr. 1924, Columbia, S.C., EE.UU.). Director de cine y coreógrafo estadounidense.… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Donen — Donen, Stanley …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • DONEN (S.) — DONEN STANLEY (1924 ) Grand novateur de la comédie musicale américaine d’aprèsguerre, Stanley Donen fait ses premières armes comme danseur à Broadway puis, pour le cinéma, comme assistant chorégraphe de Charles Walters et de Gene Kelly dans des… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Donen — (Stanley) (né en 1924) cinéaste américain, auteur de comédies (musicales, notam.): Chantons sous la pluie (1952) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Stanley Donen — (* 13. April 1924 in Columbia, South Carolina) ist ein US amerikanischer Regisseur und Choreograf. Leben Donen begann als Kind mit Tanzunterricht und gelangte bereits als Siebzehnjähriger an den Broadway. Sein Broadway Debüt hatte er 1941 in dem… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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