Dominic, Saint

Dominic, Saint
orig. Domingo de Guzmán

born 1170, Caleruega, Castile
died Aug. 6, 1221, Bologna, Romagna; canonized July 3, 1234; feast day August 8

Founder of the Order of Friars Preachers, or Dominicans.

He joined the religious community of the cathedral of Osma с 1196. On a visit to southern France in 1203, he encountered the Albigensian heresy (see Cathari) and determined to fight it. He gathered a group of preachers willing to travel the roads barefoot and in poverty, and in 1206 he founded a convent of nuns converted from heresy. While designing his order devoted to preaching, Dominic may first have met St. Francis of Assisi, who became his good friend. In 1216 he received sanction for his order from Pope Honorius III. He established schools of theology at his two principal houses near the Universities of Paris and Bologna.

St. Dominic, detail of a panel by the school of Messina (?), 15th century; in the Museo ...

Alinari from Art Resource

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Spanish priest
Spanish  in full Santo Domingo De Guzmán  
born c. 1170, , Caleruega, Castile
died Aug. 6, 1221, Bologna, Romagna; canonized July 3, 1234; feast day August 8
 founder of the Order of Friars Preachers (Dominicans (Dominican)), a religious order of mendicant friars with a universal mission of preaching, a centralized organization and government, and a great emphasis on scholarship.

Early life and career
      Domingo de Guzmán was born in Castile, possibly a year or two later than 1170, the traditional date. His father was lord of the manor in the village, and his mother was also from the local nobility. He studied at Palencia and then joined the canons regular (a religious community attached to the cathedral of a diocese) of Osma about 1196, and he became subprior, or assistant to the superior, a few years later. In 1203, Diego, bishop of Osma, was sent on a royal mission abroad and took Dominic with him.

      This journey first made Dominic aware of the threat posed to the church in the south of France by the Albigensian heretics, or Cathari, who were reviving and developing the Manichaean teaching that two supreme beings, Good and Evil, dominate spirit and matter respectively, so that whatever concerns the bodysuch as eating, drinking, procreation, and the possession of worldly goodsis essentially evil, and the ideal is the renunciation of these things and even of life itself. Thus, there arose among them a caste of theperfect,” who led a life of great austerity, while ordinary people were regarded as reprobates. A regularized Albigensian hierarchy had come into existence, and local feudal lords, especially the count of Toulouse, supported the Albigenses. Pope Innocent III had launched a mission to preach against the heresy.

      On a second journey Dominic and the bishop visited the pope, who refused their request to preach to the pagans, so they returned to France. In 1206 the papal legates and preachers, depressed at the failure of their mission, consulted the bishop and Dominic, who reasoned that the heretics would be regained only by an austerity equal to their own; the preachers must tramp the roads barefoot and in poverty. This was the birth of Dominic'sevangelical preaching.” An important part of his campaign was the establishment of a convent of nuns at Prouille, formed in 1206 from a group of women converted from the heresy.

      In 1208 the papal legate, Peter de Castelnau, was murdered by an emissary of the Count of Toulouse. The pope called upon the Christian princes to take up arms. The leader on the papal side was Simon de Montfort (Montfort, Simon de), a subject of the king of France. The Albigensian leader was Raymond VI, count of Toulouse, an opponent of the king of France and brother-in-law of King John of England, lord of neighbouring Aquitaine. Dominic's work, though confined to the Prouille area, continued, and six others eventually joined him. Meanwhile, the civil war dragged on until Simon's victory at Muret in 1213. The Catholic party entered Toulouse, and Dominic and his friends were welcomed by the bishop, Foulques, and established asdiocesan preachersin 1215.

Foundation of the Dominicans
      From Foulques's charter in that year, Dominic's design for an order devoted to preaching developed rapidly. A characteristic concern was for the theological formation of his men, whom he therefore took to lectures given at Toulouse by an Englishman, Alexander Stavensby. Still in 1215, he went to Rome with Foulques (bound for the Fourth Lateran Council) to lay his plans before the pope, who, however, recommended adoption of the rule of one of the existing orders. It was, perhaps, at this time that Dominic met Francis of Assisi (Francis of Assisi, Saint) (though the meeting may not have taken place until 1221), and the friendship of the two saints is a strong tradition in both the Franciscan and the Dominican orders. In the summer of 1216 Dominic was back at Toulouse conferring with his companions, now 16 in number. This meeting has been called the capitulum fundationis (“chapter, or meeting, of foundation”). The rule of St. Augustine was adopted, as well as a set of consuetudines (“customs”), partly based on those of the canons regular, concerning the divine office, monastic life, and religious poverty; these are still the core of Dominican legislation. In July, Innocent III died, and it was from his successor, Honorius III, that Dominic, once more in Rome, finally received on Dec. 22, 1216, formal sanction of his order.

      The order was now an established body within the church, and Dominic returned to Toulouse. On Aug. 15, 1217, he sent his men to Paris and to Spain, leaving two each at Toulouse and Prouille, while he and another went to Bologna and Rome. He placed his two principal houses near the universities of Paris and Bologna and decided that each of his houses should form a school of theology. This at once determined the capital role that the Dominicans would play in university studies. In setting up his houses in the larger cities, especially in those that were teaching centres, he involved his order in the destiny of the medieval urban movement.

      Dominic was gifted in being able to conceive his ideal, to form his men to that ideal, and then to trust them completely. His leadership had great clarity of vision (even to the geographical distribution of his forces and precise details of legislation), firmness of command, and certainty of execution. At the same time it was said of him that his gentleness was such that anyone who came to speak to him, even for reproof, went away happier.

      The rest of Dominic's life was spent either in Rome, where he was given the Church of San Sisto, or traveling. In 121819 he made a great tour (3,380 miles entirely on foot) from Rome to Toulouse and Spain and back, via Paris and Milan, and in 1220 a tour of Lombardy. Everywhere his communities were growing, and he planned many new foundations covering the key points of France and northern Italy. In Rome the pope gave him the delicate task of reforming various groups of nuns, whom he finally gathered at San Sisto in 1221, when the men moved to Santa Sabina, which is still the residence of the master general of the order.

      At Pentecost in 1220 the first general chapter of the order was held at Bologna, and a system of democratic representative government was devised. At the second general chapter, held on Pentecost in 1221, also at Bologna, the order was divided geographically into provinces. After a visit to Venice in 1221, Dominic died at Bologna.

The Rev. Sebastian Bullough, O.P. Ed.

Additional Reading
The fully documented modern biography is that of M.-H. Vicaire, Saint Dominic and His Times (1964). The best biography in English is Bede Jarrett, Life of Saint Dominic (11701221), 2nd ed. (1934, reissued 1964). William A. Hinnebusch, The History of the Dominican Order, vol. 1 (1966), details Dominic's life and the development of the order. Simon Tugwell, Saint Dominic (1995); and Simon Tugwell (ed.), Early Dominicans: Selected Writings (1982), are more recent works.

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