
Commune (pop., 2000: 11,417), eastern Switzerland.

It consists of two villages, Davos-Platz and Davos-Dorf, located in a valley of the Alps. First inhabited by Romansh-speaking people, it was settled in the 13th century by German speakers. It became the capital of the League of Ten Jurisdictions (or Courts) in 1436 and was ruled by Austria from 1477 to 1649. After the 1860s it became a fashionable health resort, and in the 20th century it developed into a centre for skiing and other winter sports. In the 1990s Davos became famous for hosting the World Economic Forum, an annual gathering of international politicians and financiers who represented a transnational elite.

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(German), Romansh  Tavau 

      town, Graubünden canton, eastern Switzerland, consisting of two villages, Davos-Platz and Davos-Dorf, in the Davos Valley, on the Landwasser River, 5,118 feet (1,560 metres) above sea level. The town is mentioned in historical documents of 1160 and 1213; it was then inhabited by Romansh-speaking people, but later in the 13th century it was settled by German-speaking people from the upper Valais. In 1436 it became the capital of the League of Ten Jurisdictions (see Graubünden), but it belonged to Austria from 1477 to 1649. After the 1860s it became a fashionable health resort, and in the 20th century it was developed as a skiing and winter sports centre. In 1971 Davos began hosting the World Economic Forum, an annual winter gathering centred around discussions of the world's leading economic, political, and social concerns. Scholars of globalization (globalization, cultural) have used the termDavos cultureto represent the elite group of international business, political, and civil-society leaders who attend the annual meeting. The town's population is mainly German-speaking and Protestant. Pop. (2007 est.) 10,744.

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