Davenant, Sir William

Davenant, Sir William
or William D'Avenant

born 1606, Oxford, Eng.
died April 7, 1668, London

British poet, playwright, and theatre manager.

Early works include the comedy The Witts (licensed 1634) and a volume of poems, Madagascar (1638). He was made poet laureate in 1638. Involved in intrigues during the English Civil Wars, he was imprisoned at the Tower of London, where he worked on his verse epic Gondibert (1651). Later he made the first attempt to revive English drama (banned under Oliver Cromwell) and brought the first opera, painted stage sets, and female actress-singer to the English public stage. After the Restoration he continued playwriting and founded a playhouse.

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English writer
Davenant also spelled  D'Avenant  
born February 1606, Oxford, Eng.
died April 7, 1668, London

      English poet, playwright, and theatre manager who was made poet laureate on the strength of such successes as The Witts (licensed 1634), a comedy; the masques The Temple of Love, Britannia Triumphans, and Luminalia; and a volume of poems, Madagascar (published 1638).

      Shakespeare (Shakespeare, William) was apparently Davenant's godfather, and gossip held that the famous playwright may even have been his father. Davenant became a page in London in 1622 and later served a famous literary courtier, Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke. Meanwhile he was writing his early revenge tragedies, such as Albovine (produced c. 1629), and tragicomedies, such as The Colonel. After he had served in continental wars, his engaging, reckless personality and his plays and occasional verses attracted the patronage of Queen Henrietta Maria. Davenant was appointed to the poet laureateship in 1638, after the death of Ben Jonson the previous year, and composed several court masques.

      In 1641 Davenant risked his life in a bungled army plot, and the outbreak of the Civil War in 1642 nullified a royal patent he had secured to build a theatre. A supporter of King Charles I during the Civil War, he was knighted by the king in 1643 for running supplies across the English Channel. Later, having joined the defeated and exiled Stuart court in Paris, he began his uncompleted verse epic Gondibert (1651), a tale of chivalry in 1,700 quatrains. After the execution of Charles I, his queen sent Davenant to aid the Royalist cause in America as lieutenant governor of Maryland. Davenant's ship was captured in the English Channel, however, and he was imprisoned in the Tower of London until 1654.

      In 1656 Davenant made the first attempt to revive English drama, which had been banned under Cromwell, with The first day's Entertainment (produced 1656), a work disguised under the title Declamations and Musick. This work led to his creating the first public opera in England, The Siege of Rhodes Made a Representation by the Art of Prospective in Scenes, And the Story sung in Recitative Musick (produced 1656). In The Siege he introduced three innovations to the English public stage: an opera, painted stage sets, and a female actress-singer.

      In 1660, after the Restoration, he was granted one of two new royal patents to establish new acting companies and founded the new Duke of York's Playhouse in Lincoln's Inn Fields. As manager, director, and playwright, he continued to produce, write, and adapt plays. The charter was later transferred to Covent Garden. Together with the poet John Dryden, he adapted Shakespeare's The Tempest in 1667.

Additional Reading
Mary Edmond, Rare Sir William Davenant: Poet Laureate, Playwright, Civil War General, Restoration Theatre Manager (1987).

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