
Ancient pyramid site, northern Egypt.

It is located near Memphis on the western bank of the Nile. Two of its pyramids date from the 4th dynasty and were built by Snefru (r. 25752551 BC); the smaller is believed to be the first true pyramid. The three remaining pyramids belong to the 12th dynasty (19381756 BC). Nearby tombs have yielded a remarkable collection of jewelry and personal accoutrements.

The Blunted Pyramid of King Snefru at Dahshūr, Egypt.

H. Roger-Viollet

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archaeological site, Egypt
ancient pyramid site just south of Ṣaqqārah, northern Egypt, on the west bank of the Nile River. Dahshūr and other ruins in the area of ancient MemphisAbū Ṣīr, Ṣaqqārah, Abū Ruwaysh, and the Pyramids of Giza (Giza, Pyramids of)—were collectively designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1979.

      Two of its five extant pyramids date from the 4th dynasty (Egypt, ancient) (c. 2575c. 2465 BCE) and were built by King Snefru (reigned 257551). The earlier one, because of its peculiar double slope, is variously called the Blunted, Bent, False, or Rhomboidal Pyramid. It represents an early attempt to build a true pyramid, but the initial angle of slope (52°) was found to be too steep; the top portion of the pyramid was thereupon reduced to 43.5°. The best-preserved of the five, it is the only Old Kingdom (Egypt, ancient) (c. 2575c. 2130 BCE) pyramid with two entrances. The second of Snefru's pyramids at Dahshūr, the North Pyramid (Red Pyramid), was built at the lower slope angle of 43° and is therefore shorter. It is the first true pyramid successfully completed.

      The three remaining extant pyramids belong to the 12th dynasty (Egypt, ancient) (1938c. 1756 BCE) and are not well preserved, their inner cores having been built largely of mud brick. The tombs of the royal families built near the 12th-dynasty pyramids contained a remarkable collection of jewelry and personal accoutrementsconsidered by some scholars to represent the highest stage of development in Egyptian metalworking and lapidary art. One important jewelry cache discovered at Dahshūr is that of Queen Weret, found in 1994 during excavations by the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

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