Coverdale, Miles

Coverdale, Miles
born 1488?, York, Yorkshire, Eng.
died Jan. 20, 1569, London

English bishop who issued the first printed English Bible.

Ordained in 1514, he became an Augustinian friar at Cambridge, where he adopted Lutheran beliefs. By 1528 he was preaching against graven images and the mass. He lived abroad during 152834 to escape persecution, and while in Antwerp he translated the entire Bible into English; his Bible was published in 1535. He returned to England and edited the Great Bible (1539) but was soon forced to flee by the religious policies of Henry VIII. He returned after Henry's death and became bishop at Exeter in 1551. Under the Catholic Mary I, he lost his office but was spared execution.

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bishop of Exeter
born 1488?, York, Yorkshire [now in North Yorkshire], Eng.
died Jan. 20, 1569, London

      bishop of Exeter, Eng., who translated (rather freely; he was inexpert in Latin and Greek) the first printed English Bible.

      Ordained a priest (1514) at Norwich, Coverdale became an Augustinian friar at Cambridge, where, influenced by his prior, Robert Barnes, he absorbed Lutheran opinions and later busied himself in biblical studies. In 1528, as a secular priest in Essex, he began preaching against images and the mass. In 1529 he helped William Tyndale (Tyndale, William) (q.v.) translate the Pentateuch in Hamburg and then apparently settled in Antwerp, where he translated the Bible. He later returned to England and took up the Reform cause, translating tracts and editing the Great Bible (1539). In 1540 Henry VIII's religious policies forced him to flee, and he settled in Strasbourg. After Henry's death he returned to England, supported the new Protestant religious line, and was made bishop of Exeter (1551). Under the Roman Catholic Mary, Coverdale lost his bishopric and was spared burning by intercession from Denmark, where he then briefly went. During 155557 he was in Bergzabern near Strasbourg and thereafter until 1559 was in Switzerland. In 1559 he returned to England and helped consecrate Queen Elizabeth's archbishop, Matthew Parker. Yet his Puritanism, strengthened by stays abroad, prevented him from resuming his bishopric of Exeter. He declined all preferments save a brief one (156466) at St. Magnus, Old London Bridge, but he often preached sermons that were highly esteemed.

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  • Coverdale, Miles — (¿1488?, York, Yorkshire, Inglaterra–20 ene. 1569, Londres). Obispo inglés que publicó la primera Biblia impresa en ese idioma. Ordenado en 1514, se convirtió en fraile agustino en Cambridge, donde adoptó la confesión luterana (ver luteranismo).… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Coverdale, Miles — (d. 1568) A Puritan leader born in Yorkshire whose translation of the Bible into English was the first ever to be printed. His version of the psalms is still used, as it was incorporated in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer …   Dictionary of the Bible

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  • Coverdale, Miles — (1488 1568)    Translator of the Bible, b. in Yorkshire, and ed. at Camb. Originally an Augustinian monk, he became a supporter of the Reformation. In 1535 his translation of the Bible was pub., probably at Zurich. It bore the title, Biblia, the… …   Short biographical dictionary of English literature

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