Confessing Church

Confessing Church
German Bekennende Kirche

Movement for revival within the German Protestant churches that developed in the 1930s in resistance to Adolf Hitler's attempt to make the churches an instrument of Nazi propaganda and politics.

The Confessing Church, whose leaders included Martin Niemöller and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, opposed Hitler's "German Christians" and was forced underground as Nazi pressure intensified. The movement continued in World War II, though it was hampered by the conscription of clergy and laity. In 1948 the church ceased to exist when the reorganized Evangelical Church was formed.

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German Protestant movement
German  Bekennende Kirche,  

      movement for revival within the German Protestant churches that developed during the 1930s from their resistance to Adolf Hitler's attempt to make the churches an instrument of National Socialist (Nazi) propaganda and politics. The German Protestant tradition of close cooperation between church and state, as well as dislike for the Weimar Republic that governed Germany after World War I, at first caused the churches to take a favourable attitude toward Hitler. But Hitler's church party, the German Christians, gained control of the German Evangelical Church, a federation formed in 1933 of Lutheran, Reformed, and United territorial churches. Ludwig Müller, supported by the Nazis, was elected Reichsbischof (“imperial bishop”) and threatened the authoritative position of the Scriptures and the confessional writings of the Reformation by tolerating the Nazi doctrine of the racial superiority of so-called Aryans.

      In opposition to the German Christians, the Young Reforming Movement was formed within the churches under the leadership of Hanns Lilje, Martin Niemöller, and others. In November 1933 Niemöller founded the Pastors' Emergency League, which resisted the programs of the German Christians. The Synod of Barmen (Barmen, Synod of) was held in May 1934, and its theological declaration transformed the defensive movement against Nazi control of the churches into an organized revival, especially where German territorial churches were subject to Nazi administration.

      At the end of 1934, at the second synod of the Confessing Church at Dahlem, the church proclaimed its emergency law: the true church in Germany was that which accepted the Barmen Declaration, and, where church leadership was no longer faithful to the true confession, ministers and parishes were to follow the orders of the Confessing Church. Thus, in practice, two Protestant churches developed in Germany: the one under state control and the Confessing Church, which the state did not recognize. The Confessing Church, together with the churches of Bavaria, Württemberg, and Hanover (which had remained independent of Nazi rule), formed the provisional government of the German Evangelical Church.

      In 1936 internal confessional and political differences led the Lutheran territorial churches to form the Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Germany, thus eroding the unity of the Confessing Church. The Reformed and United sections of the Confessing Church remained particularly active in protesting against euthanasia and the persecution of the Jews. Nazi pressure was gradually intensified, and increasingly the Confessing Church was forced underground. In 1937 Niemöller and other clergy were arrested. After the outbreak of World War II in 1939, the Confessing Church continued, although it was seriously handicapped by the conscription of clergy and laity. In 1948 it ceased to exist when the territorial churches formed the reorganized Evangelical Church in Germany.

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Universalium. 2010.

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