Cola di Rienzo

Cola di Rienzo
orig. Nicola di Lorenzo

born 1313, Rome
died Oct. 8, 1354, Rome

Italian revolutionary leader.

The son of a tavern keeper, he became a minor Roman official. He plotted a revolution to restore the glory of ancient Rome, declared himself tribune in 1347, and began to rule Rome as a dictator. Cola made judicial and political reforms and prepared for the election of a Roman emperor of Italy. The nobles rose against him, however, and the pope declared him a heretic. He fled to the mountains, then traveled to Prague to ask Charles IV for help. He was arrested (1352) but was absolved of heresy by the Inquisition. Given the title of senator, he was sent back to Rome in 1354 to help restore papal authority there. He ruled arbitrarily and was soon killed by a mob. A novel of his life by Edward Bulwer-Lytton was made into an opera by Richard Wagner.

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Italian leader
original name  Nicola Di Lorenzo  
born 1313, Rome [Italy]
died Oct. 8, 1354, Rome

      Italian popular leader who tried to restore the greatness of ancient Rome. He later became the subject of literature and song, including a novel by the English novelist E.G.E. Bulwer-Lytton (1835) and an opera by Richard Wagner (1842), both entitled Rienzi.

      He was the son of a Roman tavern keeper named Lorenzo Gabrini. His father's Christian name was shortened to Rienzo, and his own name, Nicola, to Cola; hence the Cola di Rienzo by which he is generally known. Young Cola left Rome after his mother's death c. 1323 to live with an uncle at nearby Anagni. He returned to Rome as a student at the age of 20, and in 1343 he was sent by the city's government to Pope Clement VI in Avignon to plead the case of the Roman popular party, which had just gained ascendancy. The Pope appointed him notary of the Roman civic treasury, and Cola returned to Rome in 1344. He began to plot a revolution that would return the city to the glory of ancient Rome. On May 20, 1347, he summoned the people to a parliament on the Capitoline Hill. There he announced a series of edicts against the nobles, and to the acclaim of the multitude he assumed dictatorial powers. A few days later he took the ancient title of tribune.

      After declaring reforms of the tax, judicial, and political structure of Rome, Cola conceived the grandiose idea of reestablishing Rome as the capital of asacred Italy,” an Italian brotherhood whose mission would be to spread peace and justice to the world. At a conclave held on Aug. 1, 1347, he conferred Roman citizenship on all the cities of Italy and proceeded to prepare for the election of a Roman emperor of Italy the following year.

      The Roman nobles, led by the Orsini and Colonna families, rose against Cola, who repelled their attack on Nov. 20, 1347. But his triumph was short-lived; the populace became disaffected, the aristocrats continued to organize against him, and the Pope issued a bull denouncing him as a criminal, a pagan, and a heretic. A fresh uprising forced his resignation on Dec. 15, 1347, but he took refuge for two years among hermits in the Maiella Mountains of the Abruzzi region.

      In 1350 Cola went to Prague, where he attempted to enlist the aid of Emperor Charles IV with mystical prophecies. Charles, however, handed him over to the Archbishop of Prague, who yielded him to Pope Clement in July 1352. After being absolved of heresy by the Inquisition, he was freed and sent to Italy by the new pope, Innocent VI, to aid Cardinal Gil Albornoz in restoring papal authority to Rome. With the new title of senator, Cola made a triumphal return to Rome on Aug. 1, 1354.

      His reinstatement was brief. Harassed by the Colonna family and driven by lack of money to desperate straits, he ruled arbitrarily. On Oct. 8, 1354, a riot broke out, and, when he attempted to address the mob, he was met with a shower of missiles. Disguising himself, he tried to mingle with the crowd but was seized and killed.

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