Cabot, Sebastian

Cabot, Sebastian
born с 1476, Bristol, Gloucestershire, Eng., or Venice
died 1557, London

English navigator, explorer, and cartographer.

The son of John Cabot, he served at various times both the English and Spanish crowns. In 1525 he took charge of a Spanish expedition, abandoning the original goal of developing trade with the Orient and instead embarking on a fruitless expedition to South America. Later he served in England as governor of the Merchant Adventurers, organizing an expedition to search for a northeast passage from Europe to the Orient.

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British navigator
born c. 1476, , Bristol, Gloucestershire, Eng., or Venice
died 1557, London

      navigator, explorer, and cartographer who at various times served the English and Spanish crowns. He may have accompanied his father, John Cabot, on the first English voyage to North America (1497), which resulted in the discovery of the Labrador coast of Newfoundland (mistaken at the time for the coast of China).

      Although facts concerning his early life remain obscure, Cabot was a cartographer to King Henry VIII in 1512, when he accompanied the English army sent to aid King Ferdinand II of Aragon against the French. Because of his knowledge of the northeast coast of North America, he was commissioned a captain in the Spanish navy, but Ferdinand's death canceled a voyage he was to command in 1516. His services were retained by the Holy Roman emperor Charles V, and in 1518 he was given membership in the Spanish Council of the New Indies and appointed pilot major and official examiner of pilots.

      Cabot returned to England in 1520 and was offered a naval command but in 1525 assumed charge of a three-ship Spanish expedition that was to develop trade with the Orient. He diverted the expedition from this objective, however, because of reports of fabulous wealth in the Río de la Plata region of South America. After about three years of fruitless exploration he returned to Spain, was judged responsible for the failure of the expedition, and was banished to Africa. Pardoned two years later, he was restored to his old post of pilot major. A copy of his well-known map of the world (1544) is in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris.

      Offered a naval post in England by King Edward VI, Cabot accepted the appointment (1548) and was also pensioned. He remained in England as governor of the Merchant Adventurers, organizing an expedition to search for a northeast passage from Europe to the Orient. Although this objective was not attained, and several naval disasters ensued, trade with Russia was facilitated.

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