Bulgarian language

Bulgarian language
South Slavic language spoken by about nine million people in Bulgaria and enclaves in Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, and Turkey.

Closely related is Macedonian, spoken by two to three million people in Macedonia, adjacent parts of Albania and Greece, and enclaves elsewhere. Both languages differ from other major Slavic languages in several features. Both are direct descendants of Old Church Slavonic. Under Ottoman rule, literary production was solely in Church Slavonic. The Bulgarian vernacular became a literary language only in the mid-19th century; it was codified on the basis of northeastern Bulgarian dialects in 1899. Though efforts to create a literary Macedonian were underway before the Balkan Wars (191213), it was not formally recognized as a distinct language until the declaration of a Macedonian Republic within nascent communist Yugoslavia (1944).

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Bulgarian  Bŭlgarski ezik 

      South Slavic language written in the Cyrillic alphabet and spoken in Bulgaria and parts of Greece, Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine. Together with Macedonian, to which it is most closely related, Bulgarian contrasts sharply with the other Slavic languages in its almost complete loss of case declension in the noun and in its use of certain grammatical features found in Balkan languages that belong to other language families. For example, the definite article is placed after the noun or adjective (e.g., masatable,' masatathe table'), as in Albanian and Romanian, and the infinitive form of the verb is replaced with a clause, as in modern Greek, Albanian, and Romanian. The literary language has free stress accent (with consequent reductions of unstressed vowels) that has replaced an earlier pitch accent (i.e., tone).

      The history of Bulgarian is divided into three periods: (1) Old Bulgarian, 9th11th century (for those who adopt the view that Old Church Slavonic (Old Church Slavonic language) is based on Old Bulgarian); (2) Middle Bulgarian, 12th16th century; and (3) Modern Bulgarian, from the 16th century to the present. The loss of cases in the noun, as well as many other linguistic changes, took place during the Middle Bulgarian period, which began with the subjugation of Bulgaria by the Byzantine Empire. The modern Bulgarian written language, which stems from the language of the widely read religious collections of the 16th century, did not become fully established until the 19th century; its vocabulary contains a sizable number of Russian and Church Slavonic loanwords, although a purist movement during the period between World Wars I and II attempted to replace these words and loanwords from other languages with native Bulgarian words.

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