Brumaire, Coup of 18–19

Brumaire, Coup of 1819
(1799) French coup d'état that overthrew the Directory and substituted the Consulate, making way for the despotism of Napoleon.

Planned by Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes and Charles Maurice de Talleyrand with the aid of Napoleon, the coup took place on November 910 (1819 Brumaire in the French republican calendar). It is often considered the effective end of the French Revolution.

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French history
      (November 910, 1799), coup d'état that overthrew the system of government under the Directory in France and substituted the Consulate, making way for the despotism of Napoleon Bonaparte (Napoleon I). The event is often viewed as the effective end of the French Revolution.

      In the final days of the Directory, Abbé Sieyès (Sieyès, Emmanuel-Joseph) and Talleyrand planned the coup with the aid of General Napoleon Bonaparte, who had arrived in France from the ill-fated Egyptian campaign to be greeted, nevertheless, with triumphal cheers. In Paris on 18 Brumaire, year VIII (November 9, 1799), the legislative Council of Ancients, under Sieyès, voted to have both the Ancients and the lower house, the Council of Five Hundred, meet the next day in the palace at Saint-Cloud, ostensibly in order to render the councils safe from a purportedJacobin plotin Paris but in reality in order to put the councils at a convenient site away from the city and under the intimidation of Bonaparte's troops.

      The next day, 19 Brumaire, when the councils met at Saint-Cloud, Bonaparte blundered through a speech before the Ancients and later was met by a storm of abuse in the meeting place of the Five Hundred, whose members, hearing rumours and seeing troops all about, began to perceive the real plot that was brewing. Bonaparte fled the hall, but Sieyès, Lucien Bonaparte, and Joachim Murat retrieved the situation, ultimately by sending in the grenadiers, dissolving the Five Hundred, and forcing the Ancients to decree the end of the Directory (and itself) and the creation of a new consular government headed by First Consul Bonaparte and aided by consuls Sieyès and Roger Duclos. By November 14 Bonaparte was established in the Luxembourg Palace.

Additional Reading
Albert Vandal, L'avènement de Bonaparte, 2 vol. (190207).

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