Boito, Arrigo

Boito, Arrigo
orig. Enrico Giuseppe Giovanni Boito

born Feb. 24, 1842, Padua, Lombardy-Venetia
died June 10, 1918, Milan, Italy

Italian composer and librettist.

As a composer, he is remembered for his opera Mefistofele (1868). He wrote the text for Giuseppe Verdi's Inno delle nazioni (1862) and revised the libretto for his Simon Boccanegra (1881), tasks that led to his writing the celebrated texts for Verdi's masterworks Otello (1887) and Falstaff (1893). He was also the librettist of Amilcare Ponchielli's La Gioconda (1876). His own opera Nerone was left unfinished at his death.

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Italian composer
original name  Enrico Giuseppe Giovanni Boito , pseudonym  Tobia Gorrio 
born Feb. 24, 1842, Padua, Lombardy-Venetia, Italy
died June 10, 1918, Milan
 Italian poet and composer acclaimed for his opera Mefistofele (1868; for which he composed both libretto and music) and his librettos after William Shakespeare for Giuseppe Verdi (Verdi, Giuseppe)'s Otello (1887) and Falstaff (1893).

      The son of an Italian painter of miniatures and a Polish countess, Boito attended the Milan Conservatory and traveled to Paris on a scholarship. There he met Verdi, for whom, in 1862, he wrote the text of the Hymn of the Nations. When war broke out in 1866, he joined Giuseppe Garibaldi's volunteers. While working on Mefistofele, Boito published articles, influenced by composer Richard Wagner (Wagner, Richard), in which he vigorously attacked Italian music and musicians. Verdi was deeply offended by his remarks, and by 1868, when Mefistofele was produced at Milan, Boito's polemics had provoked so much hostility that a near riot resulted. Consequently, the opera was withdrawn after two performances. A much-revised version, produced at Bologna in 1875, has remained in the Italian repertory. Of the several operas based on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von)'s Faust, Boito's Mefistofele is perhaps the most faithful to the spirit of the play, and its libretto is of particularly high quality. Somewhat influenced by Ludwig van Beethoven (Beethoven, Ludwig van) and Wagner, the opera was unconventional for its day, both in its then-unusual harmonies and in its rejection of some of the conventions of Italian opera. Boito's second opera, Nerone, occupied him for nearly 50 years; completed after his death by Vincenzo Tommasini and Arturo Toscanini (Toscanini, Arturo), it was produced in Milan in 1924, but, despite its grand design and spectacle, it lacked the musical character that distinguished Mefistofele.

      Boito and Verdi were reconciled in 1873, and Boito undertook the revision of the libretto of Verdi's Simon Boccanegra (revised version 1881). His masterly versions of Otello and The Merry Wives of Windsor (the libretto for Falstaff) stimulated the imagination of the aged composer. Boito also wrote texts for several other composers, including Amilcare Ponchielli (Ponchielli, Amilcare)'s La gioconda (1876), and published a volume of verses (under the pseudonym Tobia Gorrio) and several novels.

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