Boerhaave, Hermann

Boerhaave, Hermann
born Dec. 31, 1668, Voorhout, Neth.
died Sept. 23, 1738, Leiden

Dutch physician.

As a professor at the University of Leiden, he was renowned as a teacher, and he is often credited with founding the modern system of teaching medical students at the patient's bedside. His reputation as one of the greatest physicians of the 18th century lay partly in his attempts to organize the mass of medical information known at the time, in a series of major texts and encyclopedic works.

Boerhaave, detail of a portrait by Cornelis Troost; in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

By courtesy of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

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Dutch physician
born Dec. 31, 1668, Voorhout, Neth.
died Sept. 23, 1738, Leiden
 Dutch physician and professor of medicine who was the first great clinical, orbedside,” teacher.

      Boerhaave graduated in philosophy from the University of Leiden in 1684 and in medicine from the academy at Harderwijk in 1693. He spent the whole of his professional life at the University of Leiden, serving as professor of botany and of medicine, rector of the university, professor of practical medicine, and professor of chemistry. By his brilliant teaching he restored the prestige of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Leiden, and students came from all parts of Europe to hear his lectures. Through his pupils Boerhaave exerted an influence on later medical teaching at Edinburgh, at Vienna, and in Germany, and he is often credited with founding the modern system of teaching medical students at the patient's bedside.

      Boerhaave's principal works are textbooks that were widely used during and after his lifetime: Institutiones Medicae (1708; “Medical Principles”), Aphorismi de Cognoscendis et Curandis Morbis (1709; “Aphorisms on the Recognition and Treatment of Diseases”), and Elementa Chemiae (1724; “Elements of Chemistry”). Boerhaave's reputation as one of the greatest physicians of the 18th century lay partly in his attempts to collect, arrange, and systematize the mass of medical information that had accumulated up to that time.

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