Bloc National

Bloc National
Right-wing coalition that controlled the French government from 1919 to 1924.

On a wave of nationalist sentiment at the end of World War I, the Bloc gained about 75% of the seats in the French Chamber of Deputies in the 1919 elections. The government tried to ensure French security against Germany through a strict enforcement of the Treaty of Versailles. Its leaders, including Raymond Poincare, supported the Ruhr occupation (1923) to force Germany to pay reparations. It gradually lost public support, and it was defeated in the 1924 elections.

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French history
      right-wing coalition elected to the French Chamber of Deputies (lower house of the legislature) on a wave of nationalist sentiment at the end of World War I; it controlled the French government until 1924. The Bloc gained about three-fourths of the seats in the elections of November 1919, one of the largest conservative majorities in the history of the Third Republic (18701940). The Chamber of Deputies, dominated by devout Roman Catholics and war veterans, was called bleu horizon, the colour of the military uniform. Many of the new deputies wished to reconcile the anticlerical Third Republic with the Roman Catholic church, but they were forced to turn their attention to foreign affairs during this postwar period. The governments of the Bloc tried to ensure French security vis-à-vis Germany by a strict enforcement of the Treaty of Versailles. The Bloc's leaders, among them the wartime president Raymond Poincaré (Poincaré, Raymond), tried to force Germany to pay its war reparations by invading German territory (the occupation of the Ruhr, January 1923). Its hard-line foreign policy began to lose public support, and, when a fall in the value of the franc and lack of government revenue caused its financial position to deteriorate, the Bloc National was defeated in the parliamentary elections of May 1924.

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  • Bloc National (France) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Bloc national. Le Bloc national est une coalition rassemblant la droite et le centre en France, au pouvoir de 1919 à 1924. Les élections de novembre 1919 Composé principalement de la droite conservatrice, avec la …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bloc national (france) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Bloc national. Le Bloc national est une coalition rassemblant la droite et le centre en France, au pouvoir de 1919 à 1924. Les élections de novembre 1919 Composé principalement de la droite conservatrice, avec la …   Wikipédia en Français

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