Bhaskara II

Bhaskara II
born 1114, Biddur, India
died с 1185, probably Ujjain

The leading mathematician of the 12th century.

He was the lineal successor of Brahmagupta as head of an astronomical observatory at Ujjain, the leading mathematical centre of ancient India. His mathematical works were the first to make full and systematic use of the decimal system. He evidently was the first to gain some understanding of the meaning of division by zero. He used letters to represent unknown quantities, much as in modern algebra, and solved indeterminate equations of 1st and 2nd degrees. He wrote on his astronomical observations of planetary positions, conjunctions, eclipses, cosmography, geography, and the mathematical techniques and astronomical equipment used in these studies. He was also a noted astrologer.

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Indian mathematician
also called  Bhāskarācārya, or Bhaskara The Learned  
born 1114, Biddur, India
died c. 1185, , probably Ujjain

      the leading mathematician of the 12th century, who wrote the first work with full and systematic use of the decimal number system.

      Bhāskara II was the lineal successor of the noted Indian mathematician Brahmagupta (598c. 665) as head of an astronomical observatory at Ujjain, the leading mathematical centre of ancient India.

      In his mathematical works, particularly Līlāvatī (“The Beautiful”) and Bījagaṇita (“Seed Counting”), he not only used the decimal system but also compiled problems from Brahmagupta and others. He filled many of the gaps in Brahmagupta's work, especially in obtaining a general solution to the Pell equation (x2 = 1 + py2) and in giving many particular solutions. Bhāskara II anticipated the modern convention of signs (minus by minus makes plus, minus by plus makes minus) and evidently was the first to gain some understanding of the meaning of division by zero, for he specifically stated that the value of 3/0 is an infinite quantity, though his understanding seems to have been limited, for he also stated wrongly that a0 × 0 = a. Bhāskara II used letters to represent unknown quantities, much as in modern algebra, and solved indeterminate equations of 1st and 2nd degrees. He reduced quadratic equations to a single type and solved them and investigated regular polygons up to those having 384 sides, thus obtaining a good approximate value of π = 3.141666.

      In other of his works, notably Siddhāntaśiromaṇi (“Head Jewel of Accuracy”) and Karaṇakutūhala (“Calculation of Astronomical Wonders”), he wrote on his astronomical observations of planetary positions, conjunctions, eclipses, cosmography, geography, and the mathematical techniques and astronomical equipment used in these studies. Bhāskara II was also a noted astrologer, and tradition has it that he named his first work, Līlāvatī, after his daughter in order to console her. His astrological meddling coupled with an unfortunate twist of fate is said to have deprived her of her only chance for marriage and happiness.

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