Bevan, Aneurin

Bevan, Aneurin
born Nov. 15, 1897, Tredegar, Monmouthshire, Eng.
died July 6, 1960, Chesham, Buckinghamshire

British politician.

As a young man, he entered Labour Party politics and was elected to the House of Commons in 1929. He overcame a speech impediment to become a brilliant orator. As minister of health in Clement Attlee's government (194551), "Nye" Bevan established the National Health Service. He was minister of labour (1951) but resigned in protest against rearmament expenditures that reduced spending on social programs. A controversial figure in the Labour Party, he headed its left-wing (Bevanite) group and was the party's leader until 1955.

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British politician
byname  Nye Bevan  
born Nov. 15, 1897, Tredegar, Monmouthshire, Eng.
died July 6, 1960, Chesham, Buckinghamshire

      controversial figure in post-World War II British politics and one of the finest orators of the time. To achieve mastery as a speaker, he had first to overcome a speech impediment. He was the architect of the national health service and leader of the left-wing (Bevanite) group of the Labour Party.

      The son of a miner, Bevan became a collier's helper at 13 but had to leave the mines in a few years because of eye disease. After two years at Central Labour College, London, he entered politics and in 1929 was elected to the House of Commons as Labour member from Ebbw Vale. Throughout World War II he was a vigorous critic of Winston Churchill's coalition government but was equally critical of his own party. From 1940 to 1945 he was editor of the independent Socialist Tribune.

      As minister of health in Clement Attlee's Labour government of 1945, he was responsible for developing housing programs and for establishing the national-health service (National Health Service). He became minister of labour in January 1951 but resigned from the government the following April in protest against the rearmament program, which necessitated sharp cutbacks in social expenditures. For the next few years Bevan was the centre of controversy within the Labour Party and involuntarily gave his name to the party's radical wing.

      A colourful public personality and a brilliant spontaneous debater, he had great personal charm but was sometimes so rude to opponents that Churchill once called him amerchant of discourtesy.” After his defeat as party leader by Hugh Gaitskell (1955), he accepted his party's policies and became shadow foreign secretary. His autobiography, In Place of Fear, appeared in 1952.

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  • Bevan,Aneurin — Bev·an (bĕvʹən), Aneurin. 1897 1960. Welsh born British politician who as minister of health (1945 1951) was the chief architect of the National Health Service. * * * …   Universalium

  • Bevan, Aneurin — ► (1897 1960) Político laborista británico. Fue ministro de Sanidad (1945 51), auspició un plan de reforma social (plan Beveridge) y la nacionalización de la medicina. * * * (15 nov. 1897, Tredegar, Monmouthshire, Inglaterra–6 jul. 1960, Chesham …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Bevan — Bevan, Aneurin …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Aneurin Bevan — Aneurin Bevan, besser bekannt als Nye Bevan, (* 15. November 1897 in Tredegar, Monmouthshire, Wales; † 6. Juli 1960 in London) war ein britischer Politiker der walisischen Labour Party. Als Gründer des …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Aneurin Bevan — [Aneurin Bevan] (1897–1960) a British ↑Labour politician, born in Wales. He started work as a ↑coal miner before becoming a ↑trade unionist and politician. As minister of health (1945–51) he w …   Useful english dictionary

  • BEVAN (A.) — BEVAN ANEURIN (1897 1960) L’un des plus importants chefs travaillistes britanniques entre 1930 et 1960, Aneurin Bevan fut l’un des plus fermes avocats d’une véritable socialisation de la Grande Bretagne. Fils de mineur, il doit lui même… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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