Belvedere Torso

Belvedere Torso
Hellenistic marble torso of a male figure 5 ft 3 in.

(1.6 m) high seated on a rock. It is named after the Belvedere court in Vatican City, where it once stood; it is now in the Vatican Museum. It is signed by the Greek sculptor Apollonius and possibly dates from the 1st century BC. Well known by 1500, it had a profound influence on Michelangelo and other Renaissance artists.

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Greek sculpture
      Hellenistic sculpture fragment of a male nude (5 feet 2 5/8 inches [1.59 m] high) in the Vatican Museum; the work is signed by the Athenian sculptor Apollonius the son of Nestor and was long thought to be a 1st-century-BC original. It is now believed that Apollonius copied a 2nd-century original. The dynamic pose of the torso influenced the development of the energetic figure style of Michelangelo and was subsequently much studied by artists of the Mannerist or Late Renaissance and Baroque periods.

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