Belle Isle, Strait of

Belle Isle, Strait of
Channel, eastern Canada.

The northern entrance from the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, it is 90 mi (145 km) long and 1020 mi (1632 km) wide. It flows between the northern tip of Newfoundland and southeastern Labrador and is the most direct route from the Saint Lawrence Seaway and Great Lakes ports to Europe. The cold Labrador Current flows through the strait, extending the period of ice cover and limiting shipping to between June and late November.

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      northern entrance from the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, eastern Canada. The strait, 90 mi (145 km) long, 10 to 17 mi wide, and lying between Newfoundland (east) and Labrador (west), is the most direct route from the St. Lawrence Seaway and Great Lakes ports to Europe. The cold Labrador Current flows through the strait, favouring an extended period of ice cover and limiting the shipping season to between June and late November.

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  • Belle Isle — Belle Isle′ n. geg Strait of, a strait between Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. 10–15 mi. (16–24 km) wide …   From formal English to slang

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