- Beck, Ludwig
died July 20, 1944, BerlinGerman general.After serving with the army general staff in World War I, he was later chief of the general staff (1935–38). He opposed Adolf Hitler's occupation of the Rhineland and resigned to protest the decision to conquer Czechoslovakia. He helped plan the unsuccessful July Plot to assassinate Hitler; when it failed, Beck committed suicide.
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▪ German generalborn June 29, 1880, Biebrich, Germanydied July 20, 1944, BerlinGerman general who, as chief of the army general staff (1935–38), opposed Adolf Hitler (Hitler, Adolf)'s expansionist policies and who was a central figure in the unsuccessful July Plot to assassinate Hitler in 1944.Beck was trained as an artillery officer and distinguished himself as a staff officer in World War I. During the interwar years he received a number of artillery commands and wrote a well-received manual of military tactics. After Hitler came to power, Beck rose rapidly, becoming chief of the elite general staff in 1935, but he resigned in 1938 after protesting the decision to conquer Czechoslovakia and after failing to organize army opposition to Hitler. He became the recognized leader of the conspirators against Hitler and was seen as a possible president of Germany with Hitler out of the way. After the failure of the plot to kill Hitler on July 20, 1944, Beck attempted suicide, receiving the coup de grâce from an attending sergeant.Additional ReadingRobert O'Neill, “Fritsch, Beck, and the Fuhrer,” in Correlli Barnett (ed.), Hitler's Generals (1989), pp. 19–41, covers Beck's role in World War II and provides a chronology of his life. Klaus-Jürgen Müller, The Army, Politics, and Society in Germany, 1933–45 (1987; originally published in German, 1979), examines opposition to Hitler among the military elite.* * *
Universalium. 2010.