Beaumont, Francis

Beaumont, Francis
born с 1585, Grace-Dieu, Leicestershire, Eng.
died March 6, 1616, London

British playwright.

He is known chiefly for the 10 very popular plays on which he collaborated with John Fletcher (15791625) с 160613. These included the tragicomedies The Maides Tragedy, Phylaster, and A King and No King. Forty other plays attributed to them were later found to have been written by others. Their independent work includes Beaumont's poetry and his parody The Knight of the Burning Pestle (1607) and Fletcher's pastoral The Faithful Shepherdess (1608). After Beaumont retired in 1613, Fletcher collaborated with other playwrights, possibly including William Shakespeare, with whom he may have written King Henry the Eighth and The Two Noble Kinsmen.

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English dramatist
born c. 1585, Grace-Dieu, Leicestershire, Eng.
died March 6, 1616, London
 English Jacobean poet and playwright who collaborated with John Fletcher (Fletcher, John) on comedies and tragedies between about 1606 and 1613.

      The son of Francis Beaumont, justice of common pleas of Grace-Dieu priory, Charnwood Forest, Leicestershire, Beaumont entered Broadgates Hall (later Pembroke College), Oxford, in 1597. His father dying the following year, he abruptly left the university without a degree and later (November 1600) entered London's Inner Temple, where he evidently became more involved in London's lively literary culture than in legal studies.

      In 1602 there appeared the poem Salmacis and Hermaphroditus, generally attributed to Beaumont, a voluptuous and voluminous expansion of the Ovidian legend that added to the story humour and a fantastic array of episodes and conceits. At age 23 he prefixed to Ben Jonson's Volpone (1607) some verses in honour of hisdear friendthe author. John Fletcher contributed verses to the same volume, and, by about this time, the two were collaborating on plays for the Children of the Queen's Revels. According to John Aubrey, a 17th-century memorialist, in Brief Lives,

They lived together on the Banke side, not far from the Play-house, both batchelors; lay together…; had one wench in the house between them…; the same cloathes and cloake, &c., betweene them.

      Their collaboration as playwrights was to last for some seven years. In 1613 Beaumont married an heiress, Ursula Isley of Sundridge in Kent, and retired from the theatre. He died in London in 1616 and was buried in Westminster Abbey.

      It is difficult to disentangle Beaumont's share in the 35 plays published in 1647 as by "Beaumont and Fletcher" (to which another 18 were added in the 1679 collection). Scholars now believe that only 10 of these were by the two friends, while Beaumont's hand also appears in 3 plays substantially written by Fletcher and Philip Massinger (Massinger, Philip). The rest are plays written by Fletcher alone or in collaboration with other dramatists, except for The Knight of the Burning Pestle, which is Beaumont's unaided work. Attempts to separate the shares of Beaumont and Fletcher in any given work are complicated by the fact that Beaumont sometimes revised scenes by Fletcher and Fletcher edited some of Beaumont's work. The Knight of the Burning Pestle parodies a then popular kind of playsprawling, episodic, with sentimental lovers and chivalric adventures. It opens with The Citizen and his Wife taking their places on the stage to watchThe London Merchant”—itself a satire on the work of a contemporary playwright, Thomas Dekker. Citizen and Wife interrupt, advise, and insist that the play should be more romantic and their apprentice should take a leading part. Thereafter these two contradictory plots go forward side by side, allowing Beaumont to have fun with bourgeois naïveté about art.

Major Works
The dates of composition given here for the individual plays are largely conjectural.Poems (1640), with additions (1653).Play by Beaumont unaided. The Knight of the Burning Pestle (1607).Plays by Beaumont and Fletcher in collaboration. The Woman Hater (1606); Philaster (160810); The Coxcombe (160810); The Maides Tragedy (160811); The Captaine (160912); A King and No King (1611); Cupids Revenge (1611); The Scornful Ladie (161317); Loves Pilgrimage (?1616); The Noble Gentleman (c. 1625).Plays by Beaumont, Fletcher, and Philip Massinger. Thierry and Theodoret (date of composition unknown, printed 1621); The Beggars Bush (1622?); Loves Cure (revived 1625?).

Additional Reading
The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher, ed. by Arnold Glover and A.R. Waller, 10 vol. (190512, reissued 1969), was previously the standard text; it is now being superseded by The Dramatic Works in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon, ed. by Fredson Bowers (1966– ). Lee Bliss, Francis Beaumont (1987), is a biography and critical introduction. Eugene M. Waith, The Pattern of Tragicomedy in Beaumont and Fletcher (1952, reissued 1969), claims that Beaumont and Fletcher significantly stylize experience and relates their work to the Roman art of declamation and to the classical controversiae. Two other critical works are Lawrence B. Wallis, Fletcher, Beaumont & Company, Entertainers to the Jacobean Gentry (1947, reissued 1968); and William W. Appleton, Beaumont and Fletcher (1956). Ian Fletcher, Beaumont and Fletcher (1967), is a brief, appreciative monograph.

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