Arnolfo di Cambio

Arnolfo di Cambio
born с 1245, Colle di Val d'Elsa
died 1301/10, Florence

Italian sculptor and architect active in Florence.

He studied under Nicola Pisano and assisted him on the pulpit for Siena Cathedral (126568). In 1277 he went to Rome, where he worked for Charles of Anjou, king of Sicily. He also designed and constructed monuments, including the tomb of Cardinal de Braye in San Domenico, Orvieto. In 1296 Arnolfo returned to Florence to undertake his most important commission, the design of the Duomo (the cathedral of Florence) and the carving of statues for its facade. Other buildings in Florence attributed to him include the Palazzo Vecchio and the church of Santa Croce. The structural and decorative elements of Santa Croce and the Duomo have a unity, balance, and a lightness of movement that demonstrate Arnolfo's complete mastery of the late 13th-century Gothic architectural vocabulary. His works embody the transition between the late Gothic and Renaissance architectural sensibilities

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Italian sculptor and architect

born c. 1245, , Colle di Val d'Elsa [Italy]
died 1301/10, Florence

      Italian sculptor and architect whose works embody the transition between the late Gothic and Renaissance architectural sensibilities.

      Arnolfo studied painting under Cimabue and sculpture under Nicola Pisano (Pisano, Nicola). He served as assistant to Pisano in 126568 in the production of the pulpit for the Siena Cathedral. Arnolfo went to Rome in 1277 as the protégé of Charles of Anjou (Charles I), king of Sicily, at which time he may have produced the monument of Cardinal Annibaldi in the Church of San Giovanni in Laterano (now disassembled) and the tomb of Pope Adrian V in the Church of San Francesco, Viterbo. In 1281 he executed a fountain at Perugia, figures from which survive in the National Gallery of Umbria. The following year he constructed a monument to Cardinal de Braye (d. 1282) in San Domenico at Orvieto and subsequently designed altar canopies for San Paolo Fuori le Mura (1285) and Santa Cecilia in Trastevere (1293) in Rome.

      In 1296 Arnolfo returned to Florence to undertake his most important commission, the design of the Duomo (the cathedral of Florence) and the carving of statues for its facade (now in the Museum of the Duomo). Other buildings attributed to him are the Palazzo Vecchio (Palazzo della Signoria), the Church of Santa Croce, and the choir of the Badia (Benedictine abbey).

      The structural and decorative elements of Santa Croce and the Duomo have a unity, balance, and a lightness of movement that demonstrate Arnolfo's complete mastery of the late 13th-century Gothic architectural vocabulary. His sculptures have a strong sense of volume that shows the influence on him of antique Roman models.

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