Apple Computer, Inc. — Apple Inc. Unternehmensform Incorporated ISIN … Deutsch Wikipedia
Apple Computer Inc. — Apple Inc. Unternehmensform Incorporated ISIN … Deutsch Wikipedia
Apple Computer, Inc. — Apple Computer, Inc. [ æpl kɔm pjuːtər ɪn kɔːpəreɪtɪd], amerikanisches Computerunternehmen, gegründet 1977 von Steven Wozniak (* 1950) und Steve Jobs (* 1955), die einen der ersten Mikrocomputer (»Apple I«) auf den Markt brachten; Sitz:… … Universal-Lexikon
Apple Computer, Inc. — Manufacturer of the successful Macintosh and Quadra series of computers based on Motorola chips. The company was founded by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs in a garage on April 1, 1976. In 1993, Apple entered the consumer electronics marketplace… … Dictionary of networking
Apple Computer, Inc. v. Mackintosh Computers Ltd. — Apple Computer, Inc. v. Mackintosh Computers Ltd. (1986), 10 CPR (3d) 1, is a leading Canadian case on copyright law regarding the copyrightability of software. The Court found that programs within ROM silicon chips are protected under the… … Wikipedia
Apple Computer, Inc. v. Microsoft Corporation — This article is about the look and feel copyright lawsuit between Apple Inc. (formerly Apple Computer, Inc.) and Microsoft Corporation. There have been other lawsuits between the two companies. Apple Computer Inc. v. Microsoft Corporation , 35… … Wikipedia
Apple Computer, Inc. v. Franklin Computer Corp. — Infobox COA case Litigants=Apple Computer, Inc. v. Franklin Computer Corp. Court=United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit Court ArgueDate=March 17 ArgueYear=1983 DecideDate=August 30 DecideYear=1983 FullName=Apple Computer, Inc. v.… … Wikipedia
Apple Computer Inc. — Empresa dedicada al diseño y fabricación de microcomputadoras y la primera empresa exitosa de computadoras personales. Fue fundada en 1976 por Steven P. Jobs y Stephen G. Wozniak, quienes fabricaron la primera computadora en el garaje de la… … Enciclopedia Universal
семейство ЭВМ типа Macintosh фирмы Apple Computer, Inc. — семейство ЭВМ типа Macintosh фирмы Apple Computer, Inc. — [Е.С.Алексеев, А.А.Мячев. Англо русский толковый словарь по системотехнике ЭВМ. Москва 1993] Тематики информационные технологии в целом EN Macintosh Family … Справочник технического переводчика
Apple Computer, Inc. — … Википедия