Annales school

Annales school
School of history.

Established by Lucien Febvre (18781956) and Marc Bloch (18861944), its roots were in the journal Annales: économies, sociétés, civilisations, Febvre's reconstituted version of a journal he had earlier formed with Marc Bloch. Under Fernand Braudel's direction the Annales school promoted a new form of history, replacing the study of leaders with the lives of ordinary people and replacing examination of politics, diplomacy, and wars with inquiries into climate, demography, agriculture, commerce, technology, transportation, and communication, as well as social groups and mentalities. While aiming at a "total history," it also yielded dazzling microstudies of villages and regions. Its international influence on historiography has been enormous.

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school of history
      School of history. Established by Lucien Febvre (18781956) and Marc Bloch (Bloch, Marc) (18861944), its roots were in the journal Annales: économies, sociétés, civilisations, Febvre's reconstituted version of a journal he had earlier formed with Marc Bloch. Under Fernand Braudel (Braudel, Fernand)'s direction the Annales school promoted a new form of history, replacing the study of leaders with the lives of ordinary people and replacing examination of politics, diplomacy, and wars with inquiries into climate, demography, agriculture, commerce, technology, transportation, and communication, as well as social groups and mentalities. While aiming at atotal history,” it also yielded dazzling microstudies of villages and regions. Its international influence on historiography has been enormous.

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Universalium. 2010.

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