American System of manufacture
- American System of manufacture
Production of many identical parts and their assembly into finished products.
Though Eli Whitney has been credited with this development,
the ideas had appeared earlier in Europe and were being practiced in arms factories in the U.
S. (
see armoury practice).
Marc Brunel,
while working for the British Admiralty (
devised a process for producing wooden pulley blocks by sequential machine operations,
whereby 10 men (
rather than the 110 needed previously)
could make 160,
000 pulley blocks per year.
Not until London'
s Crystal Palace exhibition (
did British engineers,
viewing exhibits of machines used in the U.
to produce interchangeable parts,
begin to apply the system.
Within 25 years,
the American System was being widely used in making a host of industrial products.
See also assembly line;
* * *
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American System of manufacture — Producción de muchas piezas idénticas y su montaje en forma de productos terminados. Aun cuando se haya atribuido a Eli Whitney el mérito de esta innovación, las ideas habían aparecido antes en Europa y se practicaban en fábricas de armamento en… … Enciclopedia Universal
American System-Built Homes — Burnham Street District U.S. National Register of Historic Places U.S. Historic district … Wikipedia
American System Of Watch Manufacturing — Aaron Lufkin Dennison fut inspiré par les techniques de production de la manufacture d armes de Springfield, Massachusetts, États Unis. Les principes de fabrication étaient basés principalement sur un système strict d organisation, l utilisation… … Wikipédia en Français
American system of watch manufacturing — Aaron Lufkin Dennison fut inspiré par les techniques de production de la manufacture d armes de Springfield, Massachusetts, États Unis. Les principes de fabrication étaient basés principalement sur un système strict d organisation, l utilisation… … Wikipédia en Français
American system of manufacturing — The American system of manufacturing involves semi skilled labor using machine tools and templates (or jigs ) to make standardized, identical, interchangeable parts, manufactured to a tolerance. The system is also known as the armory practice… … Wikipedia
American System of Watch Manufacturing — In the mid 19th century Aaron Lufkin Dennison became inspired by the manufacturing techniques of the United States Armory at Springfield, Mass. The armory practice was mainly based on a strict system of organization, the extensive use of the… … Wikipedia
American System of Watch Manufacturing — Aaron Lufkin Dennison fut inspiré par les techniques de production de la manufacture d armes de Springfield, Massachusetts, États Unis. Les principes de fabrication étaient basés principalement sur un système strict d organisation, l utilisation… … Wikipédia en Français
system — systemless, adj. /sis teuhm/, n. 1. an assemblage or combination of things or parts forming a complex or unitary whole: a mountain system; a railroad system. 2. any assemblage or set of correlated members: a system of currency; a system of… … Universalium
American — Americanly, adv. Americanness, n. /euh mer i keuhn/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to the United States of America or its inhabitants: an American citizen. 2. of or pertaining to North or South America; of the Western Hemisphere: the American… … Universalium
American — (as used in expressions) American Association of Retired Persons American Broadcasting Co. American Federation of Labor Congress of Industrial Organizations American Airlines American Ballet Theatre American Bar Association American Civil… … Enciclopedia Universal