Amati family

Amati family
Family of Italian violin makers in Cremona in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Andrea (с 1520с 1578) set the form of the modern violin. His two sons Antonio (с 15501638) and Girolamo (15611630) worked together and were known as the brothers Amati. Girolamo's son Nicolò (15961684), who like his forebears worked in Cremona, is regarded as the family's finest craftsman. Among his famous pupils were Andrea Guarneri and Antonio Stradivari; Nicolò was succeeded by his son Girolamo (16491740). The great contribution of the Amatis to the development of the violin was their evolution of the flat, shallow model, which, as improved by Stradivari, is capable of producing a brilliant soprano tone.

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Italian violin makers
      a family of celebrated Italian violin makers in Cremona in the 16th and 17th centuries.

      Andrea (c. 1520c. 1578), the founder of the Cremona school of violin making, was perhaps originally influenced by the work of slightly earlier makers from Brescia. His earliest-known violins are dated about 1564. In essentials, they set the style for all the models made by later members of the family and, with the modifications introduced by Antonio Stradivari, for the modern violin. Andrea made violins in two sizes, the larger of which later became known as thegrand Amati.” He also introduced the characteristic amber-coloured varnish.

      Andrea's two sons Antonio (c. 15501638) and Girolamo (Hieronymus; 15511635) worked together until the latter's death and are known as the brothers Amati.

      Nicolò (15961684) was the son of Girolamo. The most famous of the family, he produced instruments notable for beauty of workmanship and tone and was the master from whom Stradivari (Stradivari, Antonio) and Andrea Guarneri (Guarneri Family), among others, learned their craft. He was succeeded by his son Girolamo (16491740); it is generally held that his instruments suffered in comparison with those of his predecessors.

      The great contribution of the Amatis to the development of the violin was their evolution of the flat, shallow model, which, as improved by Stradivari, proved the fittest to survive in modern concert conditions by reason of the brilliant soprano tone of which it is capable.

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