Ahmed Yesevi

Ahmed Yesevi
or Ahmad Yasawi

born 11th century, Sayrām
died 1166, Yasī, Turkistan

Turkish poet and Sufi mystic.

When he was young his family moved to Yasī, where he began his teaching. The Book of Wisdom, a collection of mystical poetry, is traditionally attributed to him. He established a mystical order whose rituals preserved Islamic and ancient Turco-Mongol customs, and promoted the spread of mysticism throughout the Turkish-speaking world. His poetry influenced Turkish literature and led to the development of mystical folk literature. He was revered as a saint, and Timur erected a magnificent mausoleum over his grave in 1397/98.

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Turkish author
also spelled  Aḥmad Yasawī , Yesevi also spelled  Yasavi 
born 11th century, Sayrām [now in Kazakhstan]
died 1166, Yasī, Turkistan [now Turkmenistan]

      poet and Sufi (Muslim mystic), an early Turkish mystic leader who exerted a powerful influence on the development of mystical orders throughout the Turkish-speaking world.

      Very little is known about his life, but legends indicate that his father died when the boy was young and his family moved to Yasī, where he began his mystical teaching, hence his name. He is said to have gone to Bukhara to study with the great Sufi leader Yūsuf Hamadhānī and other famous mystics. Finally he returned to Yasī. The extant work attributed to the poet is the Divan-i hikmet (“Book of Wisdom”), containing poems on mystical themes. Scholars believe that the work is probably not his. It is felt, however, that the poems in the Divan are similar in style and sentiment to what he wrote. The importance of Ahmed Yesevi cannot be overestimated. Legends about his life were spread throughout the Turkish Islamic world, and he developed a tremendous following. The conqueror Timur erected a magnificent mausoleum over his grave in 1397/98, to which pilgrims came, revering Ahmed Yesevi as a saint.

      Ahmed Yesevi wrote poetry for the people, and his mystical order was a popular brotherhood. Not only Islamic but also ancient Turco-Mongol practices and customs were preserved in their ritual. His disciples formed many affiliated mystical associations that spread throughout the Turkish world. His poetry influenced Turkish literature a great deal, paving the way for the development of mystical folk literature.

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