
/zoh"feuhr/, n.
a friend of Job. Job 2:11.

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biblical figure
also spelled  Sophar,  

      in the Book of Job (2:11, 11:1, 20:1, 42:9), one of the three comforters of Job, a biblical archetype of the good man whose misfortunes are undeserved. Like the other two comforters, Bildad and Eliphaz, Zophar emphasizes an old Hebrew conceptsuffering is the inevitable lot of the evil man; therefore, Job's protests of innocence are deceptive, even sinful. Zophar is portrayed as more hotheaded than his two friends. In 2:11 he is identified as a Naamathite, or one who dwells in Naamah, perhaps a region in Arabia.

      His first speech to Job (11:1) stresses three ideas: God's infinite transcendence; the need for Job to repent of the sins he denies having committed, so that God will restore his good fortune; and the ineluctable destruction of the wicked.

      Zophar's second reply to Job (20:1) begins with an admission of agitation. Job's cries for his friends' mercy and the force of some of his arguments have upset Zophar. Controlling his disturbance, he then harangues Job about the evanescence of the evil man's pleasure. Such a man may prosper temporarily but then will inevitablysuck the poison of asps” (20:16) and find thatthe earth will rise up against him” (20:27).

      Unlike the other two comforters, Zophar does not have a third speech, and some commentators have concluded that parts of Job's speeches constitute this third reply.

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