zone melting

zone melting
a process of purifying any of various metals and other materials, as germanium or silicon, by passing it in bar form through an induction coil. Also called zone refining. Cf. cage zone melting.

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Any of a group of techniques used to purify an element or a compound or to control its composition by melting a short region (called a zone) and causing this liquid zone to travel slowly through a relatively long ingot, or charge, of the solid.

In zone refining, the most important of the zone-melting techniques, a solid is refined by multiple molten zones being passed through it in one direction. Each zone carries a fraction of the impurities to the end of the solid charge, thereby purifying the remainder. Zone refining is particularly important as a method of purifying crystals, especially for use in semiconductor devices.

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      any of a group of techniques used to purify an element or a compound or control its composition by melting a short region (i.e., zone) and causing this liquid zone to travel slowly through a relatively long ingot, or charge, of the solid. As the zone travels, it redistributes impurities along the charge. The final distribution of the impurity depends on its distribution in the starting charge of material; its distribution between the liquid and solid phase of the material (called its distribution coefficient, k, which is a characteristic of the particular impurity); and on the size, number, and travel direction of the zones.

      Zone melting is a means of using the freezing process to manipulate impurities. It combines the fact that a freezing crystal differs in composition from the liquid from which it crystallizes with the idea of passing a short liquid zone along a lengthy solid.

      Zone refining is the most important of the zone-melting techniques. In zone refining, a solid is refined by passing a number of molten zones through it in one direction. Each zone carries a fraction of the impurities to the end of the solid charge, thereby purifying the remainder. Zone refining was first described by the U.S. scientist W.G. Pfann and was first used in the early 1950s to purify germanium for transistors. The purity achieved was hitherto unheard ofless than one part of detectable impurity in 10,000,000,000 parts of germanium. The method was adopted in transistor manufacture around the world.

      The principles of zone refining are quite general, and so the method has been applied to many substances. More than one-third of the elements and hundreds of inorganic and organic compounds have been raised to their highest purity by zone refining. Many of these were, for the first time, made pure enough for their intrinsic properties to be determined.

Principles of zone refining.
 When a cylinder of a substance A containing an impurity B is melted and then slowly frozen from one end to the other, as in Figure 1A—>, the impurity is usually concentrated in the last-to-freeze region of the cylinder. This procedure is normal freezing. Component B is redistributed in this example because the atoms (or molecules) of B at the liquid-solid interface prefer the liquid phase to the solid phase. A measure of this preference is the distribution coefficient, k, defined as the ratio of the concentration of B in the just-forming solid A to that in liquid A. At very slow freezing rates an equilibrium exists; the distribution coefficient under these equilibrium conditions is termed k0. At moderate freezing rates, about 1 to 30 centimetres per hour (0.4 to 12 inches per hour), the effective distribution coefficient, k, will lie somewhere between k0 and unity. This is because, for k less than unity, the rejected impurity B accumulates in the liquid just ahead of the advancing solid, so that the just-forming solidseesa liquid more impure than the bulk liquid. If freezing is rapid enough, k0 may approach unity; that is, the impurity concentration would be the same in the liquid and solid phases. Under these conditions, there would be no zone refining, and the interface probably would become dendritic or branching in shape.

      The normal freezing operation is the basis of the long-known technique of repeated fractional crystallizations. Although this technique was employed by the Curies to isolate radium it never became widely used because it entailed a lengthy and troublesome sequence of operations: partial freezing, separation of the crystals from the unfrozen liquid, remelting, and recombining with other fractions.

 Zone refining achieves the same result very simply. A series of molten zones traverse the ingot in the same direction, usually through a series of heaters, as suggested in Figure 1B—>. Each zone takes in impurity at its melting interface and freezes out solid purer than the liquid at its freezing interface. There is no need to separate and recombine fractions, or even to touch or move the charge at all.

 The distribution of impurity B after successive zone passes for an ingot 10 zones long and for a distribution coefficient k equal to 0.5 (a value neither especially favourable nor especially unfavourable) is shown in Figure 2—>.

      As more zone passes are made the impurity concentration at the beginning of the ingot drops lower and lower until it eventually reaches a limit called the ultimate distribution. The lowest concentration of impurity B is extremely small, less than 0.0001.

Techniques of zone refining.
      The liquid zones are formed by heating (and by cooling the adjacent solids). Many practical heating methods have been used: electrical resistance coils, induction heating, electric arc, and electron beam, radiant energy, plasmas (ionized gases), solar heating, lasers, and Peltier (Peltier effect) heating and cooling (produced by an electric current flowing across the junction between two different materials). For organic compounds resistance-heated coils of wire are most common, although radiant heating has been used. If a compound or element is liquid at room temperature, the operation is conventionally done in a refrigerator.

      The usual container is one that will not contaminate the material. Glass, Vycor (heat- and chemical-resistant glass), fused silica, molybdenum, tantalum, and graphite have all been used. If zone refining is done vertically, a transparent container is helpful, but good work has been done using opaque containers such as stainless steel. If the container is a horizontal, semicircular cross-section boat, it can be opaque, because the liquid zone is readily distinguished from the solid. If a filled container, horizontal or vertical, is used, care must be taken to prevent cracking either by change in volume during freezing (or melting) or by differential thermal contraction (if the charge sticks to the containing wall). Various solutions have been found for these problems.

      Contamination of the charge by the container is a problem in all purification work, but a unique solution was found for zone refining, namely, float zoning, invented by a U.S. scientist to produce ultrapure silicon. This semiconducting element is even more useful than germanium for most transistor applications. In float zoning, a vertical silicon rod is held by end clamps, and a short molten zone is produced by induction heating (producing heat from electric currents induced by an alternative magnetic field) and moved along the rod. The liquid is held in place by its surface tension, which theoretically limits the stable zone height. Various ingenious induction-heating procedures have been devised for stabilizing zones of greater height. Nearly perfect single crystals of ultrapure silicon have been produced commercially by such means.

      Substances that melt at high temperatures also have high surface tension, enabling them to be ultrapurified by float zoning. Examples are tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum, and beryllium. A half-inch bar of beryllium, normally a very hard and brittle metal, has been easily bent 360° by hand after float zoning in a high vacuum using an electron beam to produce the molten zone. Other important factors, however, must be considered in applying zone-melting techniques. These include stirring, natural convection, and the handling of vaporous substances.

Practical applications.
      As a physical separation method, zone refining depends for its success on the difference in concentration of one component between two phases. In distillation if the separation in boiling points is not favourable, the still is made longer; in zone refining if the distribution coefficient is close to unity, the ratio of ingot length to zone length is made larger.

      Zone refining has been utilized as the ultimate purification technique for hundreds of substances, but it has the disadvantage of being a relatively slow process. Typical freezing rates are 0.12.0 cm/hr (0.040.8 in./hr) for organic substances and 0.530 cm/hr (0.212 in./hr) for inorganic substances. The method has unique advantages of simplicity and of freedom from contamination by the container and by such chemical reagents as the solvents customarily used in crystallization.

      Commercially, zone refining is important in the manufacture of semiconductors. Experimental applications of the technique are many and varied, but are particularly useful for preparing very pure materials in limited quantities. Large-scale purification of metals (of the order of tons per day) is not likely to be practical because of the excessive loss of heat due to high thermal conductivity. But zone refining of organic compounds on a tonnage scale is considered feasible, because of their very low thermal conductivity.

      The liquid-solid transformation will probably continue as the main thrust of zone melting, but successful zone refining has been demonstrated in vapour-solid and solid-solid transformations. Vapour-solid transformations are restricted practically by the large change in volume on vaporization (as a result of which the charge must move along the containing tube). Solid-solid transformations are restricted by the slow rates of diffusion in solids.

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Universalium. 2010.

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