
/yoog"euh/, n. Hinduism.
1. an age of time.
2. any of four ages, the Satya, the Treta, the Dvapara, and the Kali, each worse than the last, forming a cycle due to begin again when the Kali has come to an end.
[1775-85; < Skt]

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Unit of the cosmic cycle in Hindu cosmology.

Each yuga is progressively shorter than the preceding one, corresponding to a decline in the moral and physical state of humanity. Four such yugas make up a mahayuga; 2,000 mahayugas make up the basic cosmic cycle, the kalpa. The first yuga was an age of perfection that lasted 1,728,000 years. The fourth and most degenerate yuga began in 3102 BC and will last 432,000 years. At the close of this yuga, the world will be destroyed, to be recreated after a period of quiescence as the cycle resumes.

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      in Hindu cosmology, an age of mankind. Each yuga is progressively shorter than the preceding one, corresponding to a decline in the moral and physical state of humanity. Four such yugas (called Kṛta, Tretā, Dvāpara, and Kali after throws of an Indian game of dice) make up the mahāyuga (“great yuga”), and 2,000 mahāyugas make up the basic cosmic cycle, the kalpa. The first yuga (Kṛta) was an age of perfection, lasting 1,728,000 years. The fourth and most degenerate yuga (Kali) began in 3102 BC and will last 432,000 years. At the close of the Kali yuga, the world will be destroyed, to be re-created after a period of quiescence as the cycle resumes again. In Hindu astronomy, a yuga is a unit of time consisting of five solar years.

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