
yielder, n.
/yeeld/, v.t.
1. to give forth or produce by a natural process or in return for cultivation: This farm yields enough fruit to meet all our needs.
2. to produce or furnish (payment, profit, or interest): a trust fund that yields ten percent interest annually; That investment will yield a handsome return.
3. to give up, as to superior power or authority: They yielded the fort to the enemy.
4. to give up or surrender (oneself): He yielded himself to temptation.
5. to give up or over; relinquish or resign: to yield the floor to the senator from Ohio.
6. to give as due or required: to yield obedience.
7. to cause; give rise to: The play yielded only one good laugh.
8. to give a return, as for labor expended; produce; bear.
9. to surrender or submit, as to superior power: The rebels yielded after a week.
10. to give way to influence, entreaty, argument, or the like: Don't yield to their outrageous demands.
11. to give place or precedence (usually fol. by to): to yield to another; Will the senator from New York yield?
12. to give way to force, pressure, etc., so as to move, bend, collapse, or the like.
13. the act of yielding or producing.
14. something yielded.
15. the quantity or amount yielded.
16. Chem. the quantity of product formed by the interaction of two or more substances, generally expressed as a percentage of the quantity obtained to that theoretically obtainable.
17. the income produced by a financial investment, usually shown as a percentage of cost.
18. a measure of the destructive energy of a nuclear explosion, expressed in kilotons of the amount of TNT that would produce the same destruction.
[bef. 900; (v.) ME y(i)elden, OE g(i)eldan to pay; c. G gelten to be worth, apply to; (n.) late ME, deriv. of the v.]
Syn. 1. furnish, supply, render, bear. 3. abandon, abdicate, waive, forgo. YIELD, SUBMIT, SURRENDER mean to give way or give up to someone or something. To YIELD is to concede under some degree of pressure, but not necessarily to surrender totally: to yield ground to an enemy. To SUBMIT is to give up more completely to authority, superior force, etc., and to cease opposition, although usually with reluctance: to submit to control. To SURRENDER is to give up complete possession of, relinquish, and cease claim to: to surrender a fortress, one's freedom, rights. 6. render. 10. give in, comply, bow. 14. fruit. See crop.
Ant. 4. resist.

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