
Seph. /yahd/; Ashk. /yawd/, n., pl. yadim Seph. /yah deem"/; Ashk. /yaw"dim/. Hebrew.
a tapered, usually ornamented rod, usually of silver, with the tip of the tapered part forming a fist with the index finger extended, used by the reader of a scroll of the Torah as a place marker.
[yadh lit., hand]

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(Hebrew:hand”),plural  Yadayim,  

      in Judaism, a ritual object, usually made of silver but sometimes of wood or other materials, that consists of a shaft affixed to a miniature representation of a hand with its index finger pointing. The yad is used optionally in liturgical services to indicate the place that is being read on a Torah (biblical) scroll, thus eliminating the necessity of touching the sacred manuscript with the hand. Many yadayim are prized as works of art.

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