work song

work song
a folk song sung by workers, with a rhythm like that of their work.

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      any song that belongs to either of two broad categories: songs used as a rhythmic accompaniment to a task and songs used to make a statement about work. Used by workers of innumerable occupations worldwide, work songs range from the simple hum of a solitary labourer to politically and socially conscious protests against working conditions or the quality of workers' lives.

      Distinctive songs exist for different kinds of work and in different geographic variations. The gayap are traditional agricultural working songs of Trinidad; Japanese labourers sing min-yo; work cooperatives in the Dominican Republic rally around the plena. During and after the era of slavery, black American workers developed a vast repertoire of spirituals and, ultimately, the blues, out of older work song traditions. Rarely have work songs been written down. Even as recently as 100 years ago the majority of labourers were illiterate.

      Work songs sung on the job usually are intended to relieve the boredom of a repetitive task or to increase efficiency by maintaining a regular rhythm. These songs often incorporate the grunts and movements of workers and the sounds of their implements as counterpoint. The words of such songs may reflect the nature of the work (as in themark twain quarter twainof Mississippi River boatmen) or tell a story little related to the task except in its rhythm (e.g., the shanty; q.v.). The advent of loud machinery drastically diminished the use of on-the-job work songs.

      Songs of the second type voice commonly held feelings of exploitation, pride, bitterness, and boredom and have in recent centuries been widely used to disseminate ideas or generate support. In 16th- and 17th-century England ballads and topical political songs often had to be kept secret; they gathered listeners with opening lines such asCome lad and listen to my song, a song of honest toil.” Songs of American blacks frequently expressed despair and sadness over the oppressed labourer's plight (e.g.,What's the use of working so hard in the morning?/ My gal works in a white man's yard”).

      American industrial workers in the early 20th century rallied around songs calling the workers to progressive action. Immigrant groups, textile workers, and notably the Industrial Workers of the World organization, orWobblies,” gave rise to numerous such songs, often associated with leftist movements.

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