word processing

word processing
writing, editing, and production of documents, as letters, reports, and books, through the use of a computer program or a complete computer system designed to facilitate rapid and efficient manipulation of text. Abbr.: WP
Also, word-processing.

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Preparation of textual documents on computer.

A word-processing system typically consists simply of a personal computer linked to a computer printer, but it may instead employ a terminal linked to a mainframe computer. Word processing differs from typewriter typing in numerous ways. Electronic text can be moved around at will; misspelled terms can be corrected throughout the document by means of a single command; spelling and grammar checkers can automatically alert the user to apparent errors of spelling, punctuation, and syntax; and the document's format, layout, and type fonts and sizes can be changed repeatedly until a satisfactory design is achieved. Since all editing ideally occurs on-screen, word processing can result in decreased paper usage and simplified editing. When the final draft is ready, the document can be printed out (in multiple copies if necessary), sent as an e-mail attachment, shared on a computer network, or simply stored as an electronic file.

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      operation by which written, verbal, or recorded information is transformed into typewritten or printed form. A word-processing system can produce a wide variety of documents, including letters, memoranda, and manuals, rapidly and at relatively low cost.

      The precursor of the modern word-processing system was developed in 1936. This device consisted of a kind of automatic typewriter, called an autotypist, that could store and reproduce simple documents. The autotypist used punched paper tape for its storage medium. In 1964 researchers at International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) produced the Selectric Typewriter, a relatively high-speed, automatic typewriter that had a magnetic tape data-storage unit and retrieval device. The development of electronic digital minicomputers and microcomputers during the late 1960s and '70s gave rise to faster word-processing systems with greater capabilities.

      A typical advanced word-processing system consists of a laser printer that is linked to a computer. In many such systems the input terminal consists of an alphanumerical keyboard and a visual display composed of a cathode-ray tube (CRT). The CRT display enables the keyboard operator to input and also check, edit, or revise the information to be entered. The text of the document, including all corrections, additions, and deletions made by the keyboard operator, is recorded by the computer. When the final draft is ready, the operator prints as many copies of the document as required. The information also can be stored by the computer for later retrieval.

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