
/win toohn", win"toohn/, n.
1. Also called Copehan. a small family of North American Indian languages of Penutian stock spoken in northern California and including Wintu and Patwin.
2. Wintu.

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      any of a number of groups of Penutian-speaking North American Indians originally inhabiting the west side of the Sacramento Valley in what is today California. Traditional Wintun territory was some 250 miles (400 km) from north to south and included stretches of the flanking foothills. Four primary linguistic groupings, each including a number of dialects, made up the Wintun population: the northern Wintun (Wintu), the central Wintun (Nomlaki), and the two subdivisions of the southern Wintun, the Hill and River Patwin. The Patwin are sometimes classified as a group separate from the Wintun.

      The elongated shape of Wintun territory made for considerable cultural diversity; before colonization by the Spanish, contacts with close neighbours to the east and west were more frequent for most communities than were those with other Wintun at the extremities of the territory. In the north, for instance, basketry was twined in the fashion of the Oregon Indians; in the centre it was intricately ornamented like that of the Pomo; and in the south it had mixed characteristics. Similarly, Wintun houses varied by region: River Patwin houses were earth-covered domes while Hill Patwin used conical bark structures and simpler thatched dwellings. The nature of the northern groups' houses is unknown. Wintun economies relied upon wild foods, including acorns, fish, and waterfowl. Not much is known of Wintun social or political organization, although the Patwin are known to have had a community chief with near-absolute power.

      Wintun religion was based on the belief in a single creator. The southern Wintun greatly influenced the development of the Kuksu cult, a religion of secret societies and rituals that spread to a number of California tribes. The cult's main purposes were to bring strength to young male initiates, to bring fertility to natural crops, and to ward off natural disasters.

      There were at least 12,000 Wintun before the Spanish colonization of California; epidemics of Old World diseases (to which the Wintun had no immunity) greatly reduced their numbers, as did violence resulting from California's mid-19th century gold rush. Wintun descendants numbered more than 3,800 in the early 21st century. Compare Pomo.

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