
whiskery, adj.
/hwis"keuhr, wis"-/, n.
1. whiskers, a beard.
2. Usually, whiskers. See side whiskers.
3. a single hair of the beard.
4. Archaic. a mustache.
5. one of the long, stiff, bristly hairs growing about the mouth of certain animals, as the cat or rat; vibrissa.
6. Also called whisker boom, whisker pole. Naut. any spar for extending the clew or clews of a sail so that it can catch more wind.
7. Radio, Electronics. See cat whisker.
8. Crystall. a thin filament of a crystal, usually several millimeters long and one to two microns in diameter, having unusually great strength.
9. by a whisker, by the narrowest margin: She won the race by a whisker.
[1375-1425; late ME; see WHISK, -ER1]

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