West Sussex

West Sussex
a county in SE England. 623,100; 778 sq. mi. (2015 sq. km).

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Administrative county (pop., 2001: 753,612), southeastern England.

It borders the English Channel, and its administrative centre is Chichester. There is evidence of settlements dating from prehistoric times in the region. A dynasty of British chieftains was in the area just before the Roman invasion. After the Romans left, Saxon invaders conquered Sussex in the late 5th century. They were overcome by the peoples of neighbouring Wessex and later by the Normans, who built castles and monasteries. Since the beginning of the 14th century, the growth of seaside resorts has been important in the development of the area's coast; inland, much of it remains rural.

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      administrative county of southern England, bordering the English Channel. West Sussex lies within the historic county of Sussex, except for a small area in the north around Gatwick Airport, which belongs to the historic county of Surrey. It comprises seven districts: Adur, Arun, Chichester, Horsham, and Mid Sussex and the boroughs of Crawley and Worthing. The administrative centre is Chichester.

      A ridge of chalk hills, the South Downs, runs across the county from east to west. The northern slopes of the Downs are abrupt, where the chalk gives way to the heavy clays and sands of The Weald. To the south the Downs slope more gently toward the English Channel. South of Chichester a fertile coastal plain broadens out into the flat headland of Selsey Bill. Coastal erosion, especially around Selsey Bill, has produced continual changes in the shoreline.

      Since the beginning of the 19th century, the growth of seaside resorts has been a major factor in the development of the West Sussex coast. Today the built-up area is almost continuous from Shoreham in the east to Selsey in the west; Littlehampton and Bognor Regis are substantial resorts, while Worthing has developed as a retirement town. Recreational sailing is popular along the indented coastline of the western part of the county. Away from the coast, much of West Sussex remains rural in character, with winding lanes, woodland, and small villages. However, during the 20th century, suburban development spread to the northeastern part of West Sussex, and Gatwick Airport spurred commercial development in and around Crawley. Many residents commute by rail to work in London. Area 769 square miles (1,991 square km). Pop. (2005 est.) 764,400.

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