
/way/, n.
any of several dynasties that ruled in North China, esp. one ruling A.D. 220-265 and one ruling A.D. 386-534.

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(as used in expressions)
wei ch'i
Jiang Wei
K'ang Yu wei
Wang Ching wei
Wei Chung hsien

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ancient kingdom, China
      one of the many warring states into which China was divided during the Dong (Eastern) Zhou (Zhou dynasty) period (770256 BCE). The state was located in what is now Shanxi province, in north-central China. Wei was originally a vassal kingdom that was annexed by the neighbouring state of Jin in 661 BCE. The latter kingdom was formally divided in 403 BCE into three smaller kingdoms, those of Wei, Han, and Zhao. Wei thus became one of the seven powers during the Warring States (Zhanguo) period (475221 BCE) of Chinese history. Wei embarked on several successful military campaigns against its neighbours in the first half of the 4th century BCE, but it began to go into decline after losing an important battle against the state of Qi in 341 BCE. Wei was conquered and annexed by the state of Qin (Qin dynasty) in 225 BCE.

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