
/wayvz/, n. (used with a sing. or pl. v.)
the Women's Reserve of the U.S. Naval Reserve, the distinct force of women enlistees in the U.S. Navy, organized during World War II.
Also, WAVES.
[1942; W(omen) A(ccepted for) V(olunteer) E(mergency) S(ervice)]

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United States naval organization
acronym of  Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service 

      military unit, established on July 30, 1942, as the U.S. Navy's corps of female members. During World War II some 100,000 WAVES served in a wide variety of capacities, ranging from performing essential clerical duties to serving as instructors for male pilots-in-training. Initially, they did not serve overseas. Several thousand WAVES also participated in the Korean War. The corps continued its separate existence until 1978.

      The navy's policies toward women were in some ways quite progressive. Unlike the army's female branch, the Women's Auxiliary Corps (WAC), the WAVES were not an auxiliary and were accorded a status comparable to that of male members of the reserve. However, the navy did come under fire for excluding African-American women from the ranks until the final months of the war, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered racial integration.

      The first commander of the WAVES was Mildred McAfee, who as a civilian was the president of Wellesley College. Another notable woman who was a member of the WAVES was Grace Hopper (Hopper, Grace Murray), who later attained the rank of rear admiral. Many WAVES were assigned to administrative or other office work, but for a significant number the war provided the opportunity to work at jobs usually open only to men. At least one-third of the WAVES were assigned to naval aviation duties. The navy also actively recruited college-educated women with backgrounds in mathematics, the physical sciences, and engineering. These women carried out complex and precise operations such as calculating bomb trajectories.

      After the war the status of women's corps was uncertain. In 1948, however, with the passage of the Women's Armed Services Integration Act, the WAVES became a permanent component of the navy, and in 1978 separate women's units of the armed forces were integrated with formerly all-male units.

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