- voluntary
adj.1. done, made, brought about, undertaken, etc., of one's own accord or by free choice: a voluntary contribution.2. of, pertaining to, or acting in accord with the will: voluntary cooperation.3. of, pertaining to, or depending on voluntary action: voluntary hospitals.4. Law.a. acting or done without compulsion or obligation.b. done by intention, and not by accident: voluntary manslaughter.c. made without valuable consideration: a voluntary settlement.5. Physiol. subject to or controlled by the will.6. having the power of willing or choosing: a voluntary agent.7. proceeding from a natural impulse; spontaneous: voluntary laughter.n.8. something done voluntarily.9. a piece of music, frequently spontaneous and improvised, performed as a prelude to a larger work, esp. a piece of organ music performed before, during, or after an office of the church.[1350-1400; ME < L voluntarius, equiv. to volunt(as) willingness, inclination (ult. repr. a formation with -tas -TY2 on the prp. of velle to want, wish; see WILL1, -ENT) + -arius -ARY]Syn. 1. considered, purposeful, planned, intended, designed. See deliberate. 7. free, unforced, natural, unconstrained. VOLUNTARY, SPONTANEOUS agree in applying to something that is a natural outgrowth or natural expression arising from circumstances and conditions. VOLUNTARY implies having given previous consideration, or having exercised judgment: a voluntary confession; a voluntary movement; The offer was a voluntary one. Something that is SPONTANEOUS arises as if by itself from the nature of the circumstances or condition: spontaneous applause, combustion, expression of admiration.
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Universalium. 2010.