
/vohlt/, n. Elect.
the SI unit of potential difference and electromotive force, formally defined to be the difference of electric potential between two points of a conductor carrying a constant current of one ampere, when the power dissipated between these points is equal to one watt. Abbr.: V
[1870-75; named after A. VOLTA]
/vohlt/, n.
1. Manège.
a. a circular or turning movement of a horse.
b. a gait in which a horse going sideways turns around a center, with the head turned outward.
2. Fencing. a sudden movement or leap to avoid a thrust.
[1650-60; < F volte < It volta, n. deriv. of voltare to turn < VL *volvitare, freq. of L volvere to turn; see VAULT2]

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unit of measurement
      unit of electrical potential, potential difference and electromotive force in the metrekilogramsecond system (SI); it is equal to the difference in potential between two points in a conductor carrying one ampere current when the power dissipated between the points is one watt. An equivalent is the potential difference across a resistance of one ohm when one ampere is flowing through it. The volt is named in honour of the 18th19th-century Italian physicist Alessandro Volta. These units are defined in accordance with Ohm's law, that resistance equals the ratio of potential to current, and the respective units of ohm, volt, and ampere are used universally for expressing electrical quantities. See also electric potential; electromotive force.

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